The Lotus and the Bud: Cannabis, Consciousness, and Yoga Practice by Christopher S. Kilham is a wonderful guide to deepening one’s explorations into the expanded states of consciousness offered through yoga practice.

The Lotus and the Bud: Cannabis, Consciousness, and Yoga Practice by Christopher S. Kilham is a wonderful guide to deepening one’s explorations into the expanded states of consciousness offered through yoga practice.
Visionary Path Tarot, by Lucy Delics Lucy Delics (aka Emma Lucy Shaw) has created a stunning black and white deck that captures tarot archetypes woven with spiritual symbols, plant medicines, and Peruvian images in Visionary Path Tarot….→ Read More PJ …
Mythology for a Magical Life, by Ember Grant From its gorgeous cover art to its lovely conclusion, Ember Grant’s Mythology for a Magical Life: Stories, Rituals & Reflections to Inspire Your Craft will leave you enchanted, challenged, inspired, soothed, and …
Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Oracle, by Cherry Gilchrist and Gila Zur Because Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Oracle requires focus to learn, I would recommend this deck to those who are already somewhat familiar and interested in the Kabbalah….→ …
The Book of Candle Magic, by Madame Pamita What a true pleasure to find The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life by Madame Pamita — the most all-encompassing book on candle magic that I’ve ever …
Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress — you certainly know the habits that come out when it’s running high! Rather than defaulting to your usual patterns of coping, you can find new, constructive ways to navigate stress based on your astrology sign.
Many years ago, I’d studied aromatherapy under the guidance of a master-teacher. Though I never turned my studies into a professional craft, I have never not had essential oils on hand to make quick, handy blends since then.
I was intrigued by the title of this book and looked forward to diving into it to familiarize myself with the saeculum in general — the season of Winter specifically. I had no knowledge of the concept of the saeculum, first mentioned by the Etruscans but also written about by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Saeculum roughly translates into the expected lifetime of an individual (80 years).
The content of this book is so utterly refreshing to me because of the unique viewpoints Bogart puts forth about the practice of astrology and all its potential for personal growth, spiritual awakening, and aligned living. By the end, the reader gains an understanding of how astrology can tap us into the imaginal realm and also be the best guide for structuring our daily lives.
Magical Self-Care for Everyday Life by Leah Vanderveldt is an amazingly comprehensive book that introduces readers to the myriad of ways that self-care can be practiced in our daily life. Leah has a wealth of experience in this topic as a wellness and nutrition expert.