Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios by Mystic Dylan guides readers on a journey through the mystical art of casting and interpreting symbols.

Throwing Bones, Crystals, Stones, and Curios by Mystic Dylan guides readers on a journey through the mystical art of casting and interpreting symbols.
Sarah-Beth Watkins’s The Five-Minute Druid: Connection Made Easy is filled with ideas for those short moments I have to spare to dedicate to my craft.
The Yoni Egg by Lila Macé opened me to see the way yoni eggs can be physically, emotionally, and spiritually healing.
Alvarado’s passion for her craft and devotion to Marie Laveau shines through in The Marie Laveau Grimoire.
Celtic Goddess Grimoire by Annwyn Avalon is an awesome resource for learning more about the Celtic divine feminine.
In A Floral Grimoire, Patricia Telesco weaves a beautiful chronicle of history, lore, practical steps, and magical vibes.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches by Frater Barrabbas is not for the faint of heart or those who think of witchcraft as a passing phase.
In Theurgy, Theory & Practice, author P.D. Newman supplies a solid scholarly background on the development of theurgical practices.
Holm’s expertise as an author and experience of creating her own tarot decks comes forth in this book to provide a guiding light for reading the cards.
Sit down and clear your lap to make room for Ellen Evert Hopman’s The Sacred Herbs of Yule and Christmas.