Horns of the Goddess by Dolores Cannon is an interesting exploration of the concept of past lives and the impact that information may carry within the greater scientific and spiritual communities of the present.

Horns of the Goddess by Dolores Cannon is an interesting exploration of the concept of past lives and the impact that information may carry within the greater scientific and spiritual communities of the present.
Phoenixes and Angels by Carmen Turner-Schott is a really interesting take on the eighth and twelfth house.
In The First Female Pharaoh: Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars, author Andrew Collins does rigorous archaeological detective work.
In Reclaim Your Dark Goddess: The Alchemy of Transformation, author Flavia Kate Peters examines the transformation that embracing the darkness within can trigger.
In Naughty Oracle, Naomi Beth truly offers readers a combination of the wisdom of her decades-long spiritual journey and a dose of reality.
Cheyenne Zárate, the enigmatic artist who created Wild Woman Oracle: Awaken Your True, Free and Soulful Self, knows exactly how you’re feeling when you say you want to reconnect with the wildness inside you.
Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle by Francesca Matteoni will catalyze within its user a call to the stream of animal spirit that resides within all sentient life on our planet.
Soul Helper Oracle by Christine Arana Fader is for those ready to listen to their soul’s guidance.
Earthy, primal, rich, and real – this is how I feel sinking into The Holy Wild Grimoire by Danielle Dulsky.
When I picked up The Mythic Goddess Tarot by Jayne Wallace, I was immediately drawn to its gentle, intuitive energy that radiates feminine power.