In The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, author Erin Aurelia takes us into the realm of the Goddess.

In The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, author Erin Aurelia takes us into the realm of the Goddess.
In Theurgy, Theory & Practice, author P.D. Newman supplies a solid scholarly background on the development of theurgical practices.
Lorraine Anderson perfectly encapsulated the steps in the process of metamorphosis in the Witch Hour Oracle.
I highly recommend Censored Angel by Zara West to those interested in spiritualism and feminism.
Douglas Charles Hodgson highlights experiences from people who have had NDEs in Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil.
In Soul Journey through the Tarot, John Sandbach shares his own unique magical system, co-created with his spirit guides and inspired by over 50 years of studying tarot.
In Healing Pluto Problems: An Astrological Guide, astrologer Donna Cunningham (1942-2017) explores the immense impact Pluto has on the soul’s evolution.
In Tarot Life Lessons, Julia Gordon-Bramer endeavors to “heal the world”[efn_note]page 5[/efn_note] with her personal stories and those of her clients from 40 years of tarot card readings.
Oracle of the Birds by Jeanne Ruland is an excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the natural world.
I’d never realized the potency of dirt from a magical perspective prior to reading Conjuring Dirt: Magick of Footprints, Crossroads & Graveyards by Taren S.