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Search Results for: symbols

Conjure Cards, by Jake Richards

I would recommend Conjure Cards by Jake Richards for anyone who has an interest in conjure/Appalachian folk magic or divining with playing cards.

Artio and Artaois, by Andrew Anderson

I highly recommend Artio and Artaois to anyone wishing to learn more about bears – not only the animals themselves, but also the relationship that humankind has had to these creatures throughout our history and beyond.

Uncommon Tarot, by Shaheen Miro

I absolutely love when artists put a new twist on the classical tarot, which is just what Shaheen Miro has done with the deck The Uncommon Tarot. This mixed-media deck is filled with surprises that gently push on the boundaries of the traditional tarot cards.

Making Magick Oracle, by Priestess Moon

Priestess Moon, author and artist, is renowned for bringing universal symbols into a modern context, and this is certainly the case with her deck Making Magick Oracle: 36 Power symbols for manifesting your dreams.

Interview with Intuitive Author Natalia Clarke

“Natalia Clarke is a transpersonal psychotherapist, writer, poet, nature lover and intuitive practitioner. Her interests lie in human psyche, transformation, nature spirituality, spiritual self-awareness, earth-based spiritual practice, Scotland and UK travel. She is a fiction and non-fiction writer and a …

Tarot Deck Reviews

Visionary Path Tarot, by Lucy Delics Lucy Delics (aka Emma Lucy Shaw) has created a stunning black and white deck that captures tarot archetypes woven with spiritual symbols, plant medicines, and Peruvian images in Visionary Path Tarot….→ Read More PJ …

Deck Reviews

Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Oracle, by Cherry Gilchrist and Gila Zur Because Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Oracle requires focus to learn, I would recommend this deck to those who are already somewhat familiar and interested in the Kabbalah….→ …

Hieroglyphic Words of Power, by Normandi Ellis

Egypt calls to mind all sorts of mysterious magic. Not only did the Egyptian empire last for over 3,000 years, the esoteric rites and occult magic have continued to be a cornerstone of Western magic to this day.

Women of Science Tarot, by Massive Science

Did you know the first African American woman to get a PhD in chemistry was Marie Maynard Daly? I didn’t until recently! This is one of the many things I’ve learned from Massive Science’s Women of Science Tarot deck.

Kali Oracle, by Alana Fairchild

The Kali Oracle, created by Alana Fairchild and illustrated by Jimmy Manton, perfectly captures the dark, primal nature of Kali, while also initiating the reader into some of her lesser-known forms to help the reader get the full picture of this power dark goddess.