In Crystal Clear Oracle Deck, Nadine Gordon-Taylor has combined 44 well known crystals and minerals with beautiful symbols to provide unique guidance.

In Crystal Clear Oracle Deck, Nadine Gordon-Taylor has combined 44 well known crystals and minerals with beautiful symbols to provide unique guidance.
Ancient Goddess Magic by Vanessa Lavallée is a fascinating exploration into the world of goddess worship and astral magic.
The Little Book of Moon Magic by Francis Nightingale is a great collection of Moon information.
Dwina Murphy-Gibb has created a masterful tarot deck with influences from the Vedic, Irish, Qabbalistic, and Rider-Waite-Smith traditions in The Vedic Tarot.
Leigh Podgorski has combined a lush garden of beautiful flowers, diverse feminine forms, and guidance from Mother Earth to create The Flowerwise Oracle.
Boys Are Witches Too! by Ted Enik is a real treat for children learning about the Paganism.
Lalania Simone has transformed the Rider-Waite Smith tradition into her own language in Tarot of the Cosmic Seed.
Numerology Oracle by Rosemaree Templeton is an intriguing exploration into the mystical world of numerology.
In the stunning Oracle of the Awakening, the creator Lalania Simone has gifted the world with her guidance, her art, and her magic.
High Magic in the Age of Steam by Jeffrey S. Kupperman is an exploration of the steampunk aesthetic and Victorian esoteric practices.