A Critical Introduction to Tarot by Simon Kenny is great for anyone who would like a deeper dive into tarot, particularly its origins and symbolism.

A Critical Introduction to Tarot by Simon Kenny is great for anyone who would like a deeper dive into tarot, particularly its origins and symbolism.
I feel confident in saying Tarot for the Hard Work by Maria Minnie will be one of the best tarot reads this year– one I will be consistently recommending.
Lorraine Anderson perfectly encapsulated the steps in the process of metamorphosis in the Witch Hour Oracle.
In Soul Journey through the Tarot, John Sandbach shares his own unique magical system, co-created with his spirit guides and inspired by over 50 years of studying tarot.
Travis McHenry has created an awesome tarot deck for those who love dark history with the Magicians, Martyrs, and Madmen Tarot.
Holm’s expertise as an author and experience of creating her own tarot decks comes forth in this book to provide a guiding light for reading the cards.
In Tarot Life Lessons, Julia Gordon-Bramer endeavors to “heal the world”[efn_note]page 5[/efn_note] with her personal stories and those of her clients from 40 years of tarot card readings.
Stacey Demarco and Kinga Britschgi immediately let you know that a journey through the cosmos is about to begin in Oracle of the Universe.
I’d never realized the potency of dirt from a magical perspective prior to reading Conjuring Dirt: Magick of Footprints, Crossroads & Graveyards by Taren S.
Reading Magical Tarot by Madame Pamita has been an opportunity to slow down my readings and truly connect with what is being depicted in the imagery.