Ecosomatics by Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D. is a wonderful resource for those interested in expanding their perceptions to be more inclusive of their physical experience.

Ecosomatics by Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D. is a wonderful resource for those interested in expanding their perceptions to be more inclusive of their physical experience.
In The First Female Pharaoh: Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars, author Andrew Collins does rigorous archaeological detective work.
Goddesses Among Us by Victoria Maxwell and illustrated by Ellie Grant portrays timeless goddesses in modern fashion and updated to make them accessible for readers to connect with here and now.
Just when you think you know everything about cats, Andrew Anderson comes along and opens your eyes to a whole new world in The Magic of Cats.
In Reclaim Your Dark Goddess: The Alchemy of Transformation, author Flavia Kate Peters examines the transformation that embracing the darkness within can trigger.
In Unusual Animal Messages Oracle Deck, Manda Comisari gives voice to unique animals, attuning us to the lessons they have to share.
I was attracted to this beautiful oracle deck, Mushroom Spirit Oracle by Nicola McIntosh, due to its incredible visual appeal.
Crystal Connections by Philip Permutt is a sequel of sorts to his first two books, The Crystal Healer, Volume 1 and 2.
Shadow & Light Oracle: Reflection Cards to Unlock Your Unconscious Mind by Selena Moon is a beautiful deck that presents opposing or complementary views on practical issues in daily life.
Interview with Nicci Roscoe about her new book Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and Create your Dream Life.