Season of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz perfectly captures the gentle energy of this sabbat.
Season of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz perfectly captures the gentle energy of this sabbat.
Astrology’s Magical Node of the Moon offers a compelling and insightful guide to the mystical world of lunar nodes.
Tarot of the Unexplained by Davezilla is an intriguing blend of the high weird and the mysterious.
Pagan Portals – Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson is a portal for those seeking to discover this realm for themselves.
Sacred Bones, Magic Bones by Ness Bosch is a captivating journey into the intriguing world of bone magic.
In The Mindful Medium, Alison Grey shares her journey to becoming a psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and healer.
Alive with Spirits by Althaea Sebastiani is a profound exploration into the world of animistic witchcraft.
In The Secret Life of Mother Mary Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. brings new insight about the divine nature of Mother Mary.
The Occult Sylvia Plath by Julia Gordan-Bramer is a spellbinding biography documenting that reveals a hidden layer of meaning in Plath’s writing.
From Elder to Ancestor by S. Kelley Harrell is an important read if we wish to understand how each of us is an important piece of a much larger puzzle.