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The Torch of Brighid, by Erin Aurelia

The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, by Erin Aurelia
Moon Books, 178904281X, 144 pages, June 2023

As someone not too familiar with the tradition of flametending, my ideas around what I thought it was versus what it actually is was both surprising and enlightening. In The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, author Erin Aurelia takes us into the realm of the Goddess and shows us precisely what it means to be a flametender.

As an author, poet, spoken word performer, editor, and book coach, Aurelia has tended Brighid’s Perpetual Fire for 20 years and is the founder of the Daughters of Brighid flametending order. Author of numerous books on the subject, Aurelia also runs an editorial services and book coaching business where she offers her services to authors in a variety of self-help and spiritual areas that focus on women writers and voices in the heart-centered and spiritual coaching space.

If you’ve read any of my previous reviews, you will know that I love introductions as I feel they set the tone for the entire book and also impart the flavor of the author’s tone. In this book, Aurelia provides both a preface and an introduction and I couldn’t be happier.

The preface sets the tone for the book, clearly setting out the author’s goals and direction. It’s explained here that this book is not “reconstructing a past pagan practice, as there is no known pre-Christian flametending practice to Brighid which can be reconstructed”1.Aurelia is very clear that this book is not making any direct connection between any sort of mystical links that might have been suggested previously by other authors’ works, and instead chooses to focus on “presenting an inspired practice, like spiritual poetry.”2

At first blush, this whole book feels like a poetic love letter from the author to the Goddess Herself. It’s well written in a style that is approachable for those not familiar with this specific realm of spirituality yet doesn’t feel dumbed down for those who are seasoned. The concepts presented resonated deeply with me personally, and I was a bit surprised at the depth of my feelings as I read through it. This practice feels like coming home to oneself in the context of using deity as a conduit, which is of course what the purpose of this book is. It’s empowering and fulfilling and inspirational and I am so glad I picked it up.

The topics discussed in the book range from the history of the practice to an in depth transformational journey through the seasons. While it sounds like a lot of time needs to be invested, the book states that the reader can experience the sensation of flametending through a twenty-night period. Considering how often we subject ourselves to fad diets and other modes of “bettering” ourselves, I would respectfully offer that twenty nights of this practice could be far more beneficial than counting calories or fasting. But I digress: we each walk our own path.

The introduction gives the reader some background on how Aurelia first came to know Brighid. I find these origins fascinating as we have all walked our own paths to the various deities that we work with. Aurelia’s story resonates not because of the deity she observes but of the way she has integrated the lessons into her personal journey. She states:

“Her burning torch lit and guided my way, and where she led, I followed. I followed her from being one who burned myself out for others to one who learned to tend her flame from within. I followed her in my spiritual practices from celebration to devotion to contemplation to transformation.”3

This path described by Aurelia is precisely the one laid out in the book. I would humbly offer that burnout is often something experienced by those in caregiving or mothering roles, whether or not they have additional responsibilities outside the home or facility in which they provide care. Speaking personally, I often find myself in positions where I give too much of myself and then have nothing left for myself. This book is instrumental in discovering why that happens, and, more importantly, how to identify when it’s happening so that the energy can be shifted inward to where it’s needed most.

One of the most powerful concepts in this book is the idea that spiritual exploration and growth need not be done using external methods. While helpful at times, it’s also easy to become lost in a sea of voices and practices that might not be what’s needed. This is a personal practice and while you could share this journey with others at some point along the path, this feels very much like a task for one.

The practices in this book are presented in an easy to understand way with various supporting modalities, including runes. Aurelia says that the book is geared towards devotees of Brighid and those curious about the practice, stating:

“The depths can be dark, but her torch ever shines to illuminate a way for us toward our own illumination, healing, and growth. The practice in these pages is an invitation to follow this lit path through the forest of ogham trees in search of your true self, your unbreakable and remarkable soul hiding behind and beneath your fears.”4

If you are at all interested in any of the concepts presented here, pick The Torch of Brighid up. In fact, even if you aren’t interested, pick it up anyway and thumb through it. I guarantee something in these pages will leap out and whisper to you as it did to me.

Brigid’s Light, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella

Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella
Weiser Books, 1578637694, 256 pages, March 2022

Ancient Pagan goddess or Catholic saint? Brigid brings her power and wisdom in many guises for the benefit of all. In her guise as the Goddess of the Flame, her head surrounded in a halo of fire, “she stands with us at the in-between parts of our lives, calling us to her so we can learn how to face the moment.”2  As the Lady of the Well, Brigid is also very much associated with the waters, often known for bringing inspiration and creating a flow of ideas. Brigid is most associated with Ireland where one finds the earliest documentations of her. Her wells in Kildare (one known to the public and one a bit more hidden and off the tourist path) are visited by those seeking aid. The Saint Brigid’s monastery is also in Kildare, not too far from Dublin. 

Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella, is an anthology with writings from a diverse pool of authors, each opening up to their encounters with Brigid, whether through prose, poetry, art, and even recipes. In their selection of contributors, Crow and Louella sought to “reflect Brigid’s diversity in a wide variety of experiences of her power, a number of unique portrayals of her divinity, and even in different writing styles and spellings of her name.”5 Because Brigid’s influence is far-reaching, many of the contributors come from places other than Ireland.

The authors provide insight into the various ways that Brigid is celebrated and called on for assistance and sustenance, both physical and non-physical. Each writer encourages the reader to allow the “light of her flame always to guide you to your highest purpose.”6 There is a short bio of each of the contributors at the end of the book that allows the reader to further connect with those whose writings resonated with them.  

The book is divided into six parts, each dealing with a specific theme: “The Many Faces of Brigid”, “Goddess in Nature”, “Rituals Practices and Prayers”, “Goddess of Hearth and Home”, “Mothers and Daughters”, and “Circle of Life and Death”. 

The poetry found in each section was inspiring and melodious, each an offering to Brigid. The words flowed like the water surrounding her. They write of “finding” Brigid whether she met them in Canada or on a shoreline at sunrise. One poem leaves offerings to Brigid in the form of tears. A couple poems speak to Brigid the shapeshifter – as Maiden, Mother, and Crone. One connects with her as a midwife. 

The works resonated with me on so many levels, in their diversity, some personal and some more “educational,” but through all of the words and images, one cannot deny the honor and love dedicated to Brigid. 

In the “Goddess in Nature” section, I especially liked the piece on Brighid as Water Goddess (spellings of her name vary), detailing the Irish folk practices dedicated to her at the site of sacred springs and wells that continue to this day. Clooties, or strips of fabric are dipped in these waters and hung nearby in a tree with the belief that through the process of magical healing the illness would transfer from the person to the cloth which would eventually disintegrate. The author, Annwyn Avalon also writes on how one can create their own sacred well to place on an altar to Brigid. 

In the section “Rituals Practices and Prayers”, I was drawn to the “Honey and Beeswax Healing Spell” by Cairelle Crow. I look forward to doing the spell for myself and also for a few loved ones, with their consent, of course. “The Bed Blessing Before Sleep” by H. Byron Ballard (adapted from Carmichael) is a beautiful and soothing blessing that I have begun saying at bedtime. 

I loved “Cooking for Brigid” by Dawn Autora Hunt, which is in the “Goddess of Hearth and Home” section. I related to her telling of first encountering Brigid as a saint, growing up in and Italian Catholic family. As Dawn found a “pagan path” she writes of her honoring Brigid at Imbolc, lighting candles and cooking hearty foods. I will try her accompanying recipe of Shepherd’s Pie when the Wheel turns to Imbolc in February. 

In the “Mothers and Daughters” section, I particularly loved the story of the “Granddaughter of the Well” by Yeshe Matthews which recounted her serendipitous trip to Ireland when she was in graduate school. Her “knowingness” of how to arrive at places that she had never before visited brought her to Kildare, to Brigid’s well and the monastery. 

The book concludes with a prayer “written over shared cups of tea and tales of ancestors, and is infused with our deep love of the goddess.”7 The editors, Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella, leave the reader with the hope that the concluding prayer and the words within the book, “bring you bright blessings.”8

I highly recommend Brigid’s Light, both as a way to get to know the multi-faceted Brigid and also for the many ways that you can invite her to walk life’s path with you. Blessed Be.