Earth Wisdom Teachings: Practical Guidance from the Eight Directions of the Medicine Wheel, by Carlos Philip Glover
Findhorn Press, 979-8888501634, 240 pages, October 2024
I’ve had the privilege now of reviewing several books from Findhorn Press and I am always struck by the consistency of message throughout their titles regardless of focus, points of origin, and author’s experience: the health and wellbeing of our planet, its ecological systems, and reminder to humanity that through our various practices we are intimately tied to the energy and consequences of our actions. Earth Wisdom Teachings: Practical Guidance from the Eight Directions of the Medicine Wheel by Carlos Philip Glover is yet another reflection of these themes, drawing upon the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel and the teachings of the shamans and native peoples who have cultivated a deeper knowledge steeped in the wisdom of the Earth to teach others how to connect with the energies of our earth.
This book is dedicated to the evolutionary unfolding of our collective consciousness. Let us find our way back into wholeness and ecological balance with Self, Life and Earth.1
This book is organized into three sections with eight chapters, each specific to one of the eight directions. There are lovely full color plate images separating the chapters, engaging a visual component as the reader explores the book. A Bibliography, List of Practices for quick access, and a Recommended Connections page of organizations, artists, and collectives supporting earth-centered practices concludes this title. The addition of an Index adds an extra layer of useability for those who may want to focus on a specific type of energy or information.
Earth Wisdom Teachings is a highly usable book both in writing style and in content regardless of familiarity with the Medicine Wheel. And, in support of an approach of embodying these sacred energies, each chapter contains a Practice that integrates the essence of the specific direction and an opportunity to make applicable use of content read.
“Introduction: Earth Medicine for Global Evolution” lays the groundwork for what lay ahead as the reader experiences each of the eight directions in subsequent dedicated chapters.
“Each direction represents a realm of universal consciousness. We access this consciousness with our intelligences. From a Medicine Wheel perspective, “intelligence” is more than intellect and cleverness; it also includes our creativity, presence, emotion, path, healing, dreaming, heart and energy. All of us have eight innate “intelligences,” and we develop them through experience and practice.”2
As the reader moves through each of the eight directions, ample information and thought-provoking practices are provided. In this way, the reader moves in a synchronistic way with what is being read and the potential for application and deeper understanding that opens new pathways to be explored. It was interesting to me to work with the semantics Glover assigns to the eight directions; yet another pathway into new perspectives and immediate resonance of consciousness in their familiarity:
East: Creation
Southeast: Presence
South: Emotion
Southwest: Path
West: Healing
Northwest: Dreaming
North: Heart
Northeast: Energy
I enjoyed using the recommended practices given for each of the directions as tools for re-thinking what my basic associations of the direction may be. Exercises to foster Deep Listening and Stillness (Southeast: Presence) are a reminder that to be fully present one must stop the hurriedness of life and truly be engaged. Another practice that aligned with the South: Emotion was to view Life as a Mirror and observe your emotions and be fully present in what arises. Some others included are Healing with the Four Elements (West: Healing), Feeding the Fire (Northeast: Energy), and Solo Quest (Southwest: Path), plus many more. Each practice integrated work, from the previous chapter’s direction of focus making for a satisfying and progressive journey throughout.
Would I Recommend?
Glover offers many “ah ha” moments in his choice of content. This is not another book of ritual in the sense of outer nature; it is a transformative journey through the inner landscapes of our natural mind and state of consciousness. In this way, Glover works on the foundational approach of resonance with the core practices of the Medicine Wheel and allows the reader to shift perspective of the natural world in a way that becomes the resonating moment within collective consciousness.
I also appreciate the “giving back in service” approach of Glover, as the text states, “A donation of the author’s income from this book will go to Ehama Institute, New Mexico, and to the Survival International to support the rights of threatened tribal people.”3
Earth Wisdom Teachings is a timely book given that our world and all life on it is in the midst of a great shift. It is an evolution, if you will, that is calling all of us to reflect on our place in the world, along with how we contribute our personal efforts to the greater work. Within the pages of this title there is a plan and the tools to become a partner in this process.
“Human consciousness is complex, and whether we believe such a transformation is possible depends on the aperture of our state of consciousness. The Medicine Wheel is a map for our journey of opening this possibility….. All of these directions are inherent potentials in everyone, and when we align with the full spectrum of life forces, we open the doorway (that) LEADS to our transformation. And as more people step through it, our collective field of consciousness shifts.4
About the Author: Carlos Philip Glover
Carlos Philip Glover has trained with teachers from different traditions, among them Ehama Institute of New Mexico, for more than 40 years. He is the co-leader, with WindEagle, of Evocative Leadership Mastery in Spain and for more than 20 years has served as the Dance Chief for the UK Drum Dance. The founder of Earth Wisdom Teachings, Carlos lives in Devon, UK.

Robin Fennelly is an Elder within the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition [www.sacredwheel.org]. She is a dancer, teacher, astrologer, author, ritualist and seeker of all things of a spiritual nature. Her writings and classes incorporate a deep understanding of Eastern practice and Western Hermetics and bring a unique perspective towards integration and synthesis of the Divine and Mundane natures of our being. She is a mother of five and lives in Eastern PA with her husband of 45+ years.