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Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon, by Carmen Turner-Schott and Bernie Ashman

Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon: Releasing the Past & Embracing the Future, by Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW, and Bernie Ashman
O-Books, 180341412X, 152 pages, August 2024

Astrology’s Magical Node of the Moon by Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW and Bernie Ashman is an exploration into the enigmatic world of lunar nodes in astrology. The authors delve deeply into the significance of the North and South Nodes, often referred to as the “Nodes of Destiny.” They teach us how these celestial points, which are not planets but rather mathematical points where the moon’s orbit intersects with the ecliptic, hold profound implications for personal growth, karmic lessons, and spiritual evolution.

“The true value of this book is to give you the tools to transform the past life issues described into creative success and to point you toward the paths of greater harmony.”1

Both Turner-Schott and Ashman are seasoned astrologers. Turner-Schott is the founder of Deep Soul Divers Astrology with an international astrological client base as well as a clinical social worker. She also hosts a podcast, runs astrology circles, teaches, and writes.  Ashman is an internationally known astrologer with fifty years of experience lecturing, writing, and serving clients. Both authors also have previously published several astrology books, including Phoenixes and Angels (Turner-Schott), SignMates (Ashman), Sun Sign Houses and Healing (Turner-Schott), and Astrology, Psychology, and Transformation (Ashman).

With the intention of readers to have the background knowledge needed to better understand their nodal placements, in “Part One: Astrology’s Main Characters – Planets, Signs, and Houses” the authors teach the foundations of astrology. Topics covered include the element and modality of each sign, meaning of each planet, and an overview of the twelve houses. While these subjects could be entire books, this section is very informative and provides a wonderful overview for readers.

“Part Two: The Magical Nodes of the Moon” begins with a section on past lives. The authors write:

“Believing in past lives is central to analyzing the nodes of the Moon. The south node sign of the Moon always shows  your deeper soul personality and lessons learned from the past. The north node shows the type of personality traits you are meant to master in this current lifetime.”2

This perspective is central to the rest of the book and shapes how the authors interpret each nodal placement. Following a section on how to calculate one’s North Node and South Node, the authors provide an overview of what the nodes are astrologically and share their personal nodal experiences.

From there, the authors guide readers through the interpretation of the nodal pairs (Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, Cancer/Capricorn, Leo/Aquarius, and Virgo/Pisces). Each chapter is a thorough navigation of one’s life purpose and personal challenges based on nodal energies in their chart. Readers are offered practical advice on how to harness the energies of the North Node for future growth while understanding and integrating the lessons of the South Node.

The authors do a great job of being clear and concise about how individuals can work with their nodes to achieve balance and fulfillment. At the start, they provide a quick one-sentence overview of mastered traits and traits to learn. Then every pair of nodes is explained in two to three pages of detail. And at the end there’s a bullet point list of ways to keep the North Node and South Node in harmony.

For further guidance, readers can then read the meaning of the houses their nodes fall in by looking up the sign corresponding with those houses. As an example, my North Node is in my 7th house of Aquarius and my South Node is in the 1st House of Leo. After reading the section on the Leo/Aquarius Nodes, I then wanted to learn more about the placement in the 7th and 1st house, which are represented by Aries (1st house) and Libra (7th house), so I turned to that chapter that has the section “Your North Node in Seventh House and South Node in First House.”3 So for each placement, this book really does delve into not just the sign of your nodes, but the significance of the house too.

What I like most about the approach of the authors is the blend of practical guidance with spiritual wisdom. Turner-Schott’s counseling skills shine through, as does Ashman’s many years of spiritual exploration. The past life attributes associated with the South Node placement has been very enlightening for me and helped me to better see some traits of mine in a new light. Reading about my North Node also pointed the path towards things I can continue to work on learning and integrating.

Overall, Astrology’s Magical Node of the Moon offers a compelling and insightful guide to the mystical world of lunar nodes. Turner-Schott and Ashman bring their extensive knowledge and unique perspectives to the table, providing readers with a rich tapestry of insights about their past lives and purpose in their current one. I would recommend this book to both novice and seasoned astrologers that want to better understand the meaning of the nodes in their charts for personal development. While astrology can be complex, this one aspect of the chart reveals a treasure trove of soulful wisdom.

Phoenixes & Angels, by Carmen Turner-Schott

Phoenixes & Angels: Mastering the Eighth & Twelfth Astrological Houses, by Carmen Turner-Schott, LISW, MSW
O-books, 1803410809, 290 pages, July 2023

Whether one is interested in astrology for mystical or mundane purposes, it’s hard to deny there’s something about the eighth and twelfth houses that stirs up the soul. These aren’t areas in our charts we can tread lightly. We’re either being plummeted into depths or transcended beyond the ordinary, and this can leave one feeling a bit traumatized or confused at times. In Phoenixes & Angels: Mastering the Eighth & Twelfth Astrological Houses, Carmen Turner-Schott draws upon her own experience of working in these special realms to teach readers how to navigate the waters for themselves.

Turner-Schott has been studying astrology for over 30 years with a specific research interest in the eighth and twelfth house. She holds a Master of Social Work degree and is both a licensed independent and clinical social worker. She courageously holds space for those dealing with the energies of these houses in her daily life through astrological consultations of clients worldwide and her work with victims of trauma. Turner-Schott is quite the writer too, and she has previously published nine books, including A Practical Look at the Planets through the Houses, Astrology From a Christian Perspective, Moon Signs, Houses & Healing, and Sun, Houses & Healing.

While she’s also written books focusing on the eighth and twelfth house individually (The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House and The Mysteries of the Twelfth Astrological House), Phoenixes & Angels is a combination of research and information on the two houses. Turner-Schott’s wrote this book specifically for “eighth and twelfth house people”4, which she describes as those with planets in those houses or “someone who has an abundance of Scorpio and Pisces energy.”5 The information is also useful for those with a prominent Pluto or Neptune placement in their chart.

Eighth house people have been termed Phoenixes by Turner-Schott because of how they are continually transformed and reborn throughout their life. With each rebirth, they grow stronger and more resilient, though this is not without hardship and difficulties along the way. In “Part One: Mastering the Eighth House”, Turner-Schott delves into the key aspects characteristic of Phoenixes, such as their strength, power, childhood secrets, and need for privacy and intimacy, as well as naturally being drawn to the taboo realms of death and sexuality.

“Eighth house people are meant to rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes. They must let the past die to release past hurts and trauma. They are meant to let go, destined to become beacons of hope for those who are hopeless. . . . Born with extreme empathy for those who suffer, they know what it feels like.”6

Along the way, Turner-Schott offers guidance for eighth house people as they learn how to forgive and let go, deal with the unseen world through spiritual gifts and psychic senses, battle with tough emotions like depression and rage, and perform self-care as they heal and deal with trauma that arises.

“Part Two: Mastering the Twelfth House” focuses on those Turner-Schott calls Angels. The twelfth house has to do with a belief in a higher power and making sacrifices to bring in healing energy. She describes how Angels are called to walk a spiritual path in life, alleviating the pain and suffering through their innate compassion and kindness. 

“Angels who fell to earth to support and uplift the lives of others, they are destined to come out of the mist and be seen. Walking in two worlds, with one foot in the spiritual and the other in reality helps them to find peace.”7

Topics covered by Turner-Schott include 12th house Angel’s need for isolation and solitude, imaginative gifts and mystical inclinations, propensity for secrets and illusions, connection to foreign countries and large animals, behind the scenes work, karmic issues to work out with their fathers and mothers, romanticism and loneliness, connection to cosmic consciousness, and influence of their dreams.

At the end of both parts, ​​Turner-Schott also provides information about what each planet in the eighth/twelfth house means natally and when transiting the house. And then there are quotes of insight and wisdom provided by Phoenixes and Angels themselves. Gleaning advice directly from those with these placements really integrated all that Turner-Schott had written in this section and creates a sense of connection, reminding readers they are not alone in their eighth house struggles, strengths, and lessons.

All in all, Phoenixes & Angels is a really interesting take on the eighth and twelfth house. Turner-Schott’s combination of personal experience, insights, and feelings, along with her examples and testimonials of clients from direct research, deepens readers’ understanding of these spiritually transformational houses. This book is a wonderful resource for those with eighth or twelfth house energies in their chart looking to find out more, whether one is new to astrology or has been studying for some time, to gain guidance in their unique challenges and abilities and grow in self-awareness.