Glamour Witch: Conjuring Style & Grace to Get What You Want, by Sophie Saint Thomas
Weiser Books, 978-1-57863-775-1, 210 pages,  January 2023

Self-expression through personal style and appearance has the power to make or break a situation. Think of the feeling behind a new haircut or an outfit that looks and feels amazing (and may have pockets!). When we allow ourselves to express who we are, things seem to flow easier and it’s almost as if being in alignment with our spirit opens doors. Weird how that happens.

Sophie Saint Thomas’s book Glamour Witch: Conjuring Style & Grace to Get What You Want, is an exploration into the world of glamour magic and how it can be used on a daily basis to help ease the stress of everyday life. Does that mean there will never again be a bad hair day? No such promises are made; however, it appears there could be fewer of them ahead if Saint Thomas has anything to say about it!

Based in New York City, Saint Thomas is a journalist and author originally from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She is published in a variety of magazines with a focus on sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll as well as the occult and other subcultures. Author of numerous books in the realm of spirituality with a lean towards self-help, she consistently weaves accessibility throughout her work no matter the topic. Her writing is approachable, and I enjoy reading her books as they impart useful information and provoke thoughts around my personal beliefs.

Separated into two distinct sections, “Glamour 101” and “Glamour Grimoire”, the book covers a lot of expected topics plus a few interesting additions. The opening section tells the story of beauty, which some might find off-putting if they picked up the book under different expectations. I am a firm believer in learning the rules before breaking them, so seeing this information contained in one comprehensive section was delightful. It’s also interesting that the author calls out practices that some of us are already doing and calling it glamour magic. She explains, “…you’ll realize that you’re likely already practicing glamour magick, such as taking a lavender-infused bath to unwind.”1

One thing I love about this book is the inclusivity. Nowhere does the author criticize any specific style, no matter how outrageous. Being seen in an industry that catered to a select few for so long is such a gift and Saint Thomas goes out of her way to include examples of beauty trailblazers of all shapes, sizes, and sexual orientations. About damn time, I think.

The purpose of this book, from what I can see through my own absorption of it, is to provide a foundation of understanding of beauty as it relates through time in order to help the reader decide how to move forward with their own definitions and personal style. I like that so much of the book is this foundational section, as there is so much to learn from previous eras.

Something I found incredibly interesting is the idea that a vanity is an altar. I’ve found that on days when I’m not feeling my best, a quick swipe of mascara and some lip gloss can make me feel better and help me face the world. Saint Thomas expands on this idea, saying:

“As we move through this book, I want you to start thinking of your body as an altar – a beautiful living altar to Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and abundance. Your shoes, the way you walk, your posture – it can all become a dance of intimidating beauty.”2

Tying color theory and astrology together is intriguing, and completely different from the color matching done in previous eras that was all the rage! This is a more deliberate look at color and how best to use it in a variety of ways depending on the desired outcome. Chapters on clothing, jewelry, perfume, and others give the reader a strong base from which to begin to build their living altar: themselves.

The spells in the grimoire section are easy to follow and produce results. One thing I will say here is that the spell ‘Sacred Pain with Piercing’ was effective and helped me make the appointment to get my septum pierced. I’d wanted it done forever and hadn’t because I thought it would hurt too much and that it could interfere with my corporate life;  also, what would people say? I took a deep breath, followed the steps, then made the appointment and got it done. I have never felt more myself: I look amazing and now am planning the next poke.

If you are looking for a quick fix to jumpstart your beauty routine, Glamour Witch might not give you what you want. If you are more interested in curating an experience for yourself each time you get ready to face the world, grab this book. There is a lot of information packed into it and although some topics might not resonate with you, there is enough here that undoubtedly will.