The Ofrenda Oracle: Celebrating the Day of the Dead, by Nancy Hendrickson and Carrie Paris
Weiser Books, 1578638496, 136 pages, 60 cards, September 2024

The Ofrenda Oracle: Celebrating the Day of the Dead by Nancy Hendrickson and Carrie Paris is a beautiful deep dive into the world of divination, spirituality, and ancestor reverence. In this oracle deck, the creators draw upon the rich traditions of Día de los Muertos, inviting readers to connect with their heritage and the wisdom of those who came before them.

“This oracle was created to honor those who have passed beyond the Great Veil, to facilitate messages from the Otherworld, or to divine your own future.”1

The format of this deck is very interesting. Creators Hendrickson and Paris designed it as two systems in one deck. Readers can either use Cards 1 through 36 as a standard Lenormand deck, or they can use all 60 cards together in the form of a regular oracle deck. The first 36 cards have the Lenormand symbolism on them, while Cards 37 through 56 feature symbolic images that represent aspects of Día de los Muertos.

There’s also a special card, “The Ofrenda”, that “represents the offerings left on the Altar de los Muertos”2, which the creators recommend placing face up when working with the cards to the remind the reader of their ancestors while doing their reading.

Each card is beautifully illustrated, featuring vibrant colors and symbolic imagery that pay homage to  Día de los Muertos, offering multiple layers of interpretation for users. The dark blue cards are filled with vibrant colors (red, yellow, white, purple, light blue) that pop in the style of traditional Mexican art. When looking at the artistry of this deck, one feels an instant connection to the modern cultures that celebrate Día de los Muertos along with Aztex and Toltec cultures in which the tradition originated.

The cards are smaller than standard oracle deck size, fitting in the palm of the hand like playing cards instead. At first I was surprised by their smaller size, but when shuffling and working with the deck, I’ve come to enjoy the way they feel and look when laid out in a spread. For once, I can easily fit them all on my table! The spreads the creators share in the guidebook focus on communion with the beloved dead; they are truly beautiful to work with, facilitating a tangible connection with loved ones who have passed on.

The guidebook is written in English on the right and Spanish on the left. For each card, the creators provide keywords, meaning, Storyteller message, and when applicable, Lenormand meaning too. The Storyteller message is unique in that it represents the message from “those beyond the Veil.”3 This blend of different interpretations provides illuminating insight into the card’s meaning while leaving plenty of room for reflection on the significance of the card’s message. Themes of remembrance, gratitude, and spiritual connection permeate throughout the card’s meaning, creating a sense of continuity between the past and present.

One of favorite cards in the deck is The Stork. This card features a burnt orange skeleton stork standing on one leg. The overall message of the card indicates a time of change, relocation, journey/movement, and pregnancy and birth. This joy-filled card made me feel inspired when I pulled it, and I really liked the Storyteller’s message in the guidebook:

“German folklore tells us that storks were given the task of flying babies home to their new parents. Even today we reference the Stork when talking about a newborn. We hope the glide path is free of obstruction.”4

This message makes me feel optimistic about my upcoming ventures!

Overall, The Ofrenda Oracle is a gorgeous work of art that honors tradition of Día de los Muertos and offers a path for spiritual exploration and ancestral connection. Hendrickson and Paris have succeeded in creating a deck that is not only a tool for divination but also a celebration of life, memory, and cultural heritage. Whether you are seeking to deepen your spiritual practice to connect with your ancestors or simply looking appreciate the beautiful symbolism of  Día de los Muertos, this oracle is a delightful addition to any collection.