Sacred Bones, Magic Bones by Ness Bosch is a captivating journey into the intriguing world of bone magic.
Sacred Bones, Magic Bones by Ness Bosch is a captivating journey into the intriguing world of bone magic.
In Fortuna: The Sacred & Profane Faces of Luck, Nigel Pennick explores the origins and evolution of the concept of luck, from divination to gambling.
I’d never realized the potency of dirt from a magical perspective prior to reading Conjuring Dirt: Magick of Footprints, Crossroads & Graveyards by Taren S.
Runes and Astrology: Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition, by Nigel PennickDestiny Books, 978-1644116005, 223 pages, June 2023 I’m just going to say it: Runes and Astrology: Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition by Nigel Pennick is an …
The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse by Italian folk magic practitioner Antonio Pagliarulo is a manual on psychic protection that teaches you how to detect, banish, and prevent the malison of the Evil Eye.
Protection & Reversal Magick (Revised and Updated Version): A Witch’s Defense Manual by Jason Miller is the newly revised version of what has become a classic book regarding magickal work to protect and ward.
The Magic of the Sword of Moses by Harold Roth will be a treasure to anyone who has an interest in Jewish magic and medieval grimoires.
Witches, Druids, and Sin Eaters by Jon C. Hughes with Sophie Gallagher is a very comprehensive look at this unique area of Welsh Marches.
Gemstone and Crystal Magic is a wonderful go-to reference book for those who are looking to incorporate gemstones into their magical practice.
Pearson thoroughly educates the reader to give a full-spectrum education into flower essences in Flower Essences from the Witch’s Garden.