A Confluence of Witches, edited by Casey Zabala, brings together a diverse array of voices within the contemporary witchcraft community.

A Confluence of Witches, edited by Casey Zabala, brings together a diverse array of voices within the contemporary witchcraft community.
In The Secret Life of Mother Mary Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. brings new insight about the divine nature of Mother Mary.
In Dance of the Sun Goddess, author Kenneth Johnson introduces readers to a vivacious pantheon of Baltic deities.
In The Way of the Will: Thelema in Action, author Dr. David Shoemaker provides Thelemic exercises for spiritual growth.
Embody Your Inner Goddess: A Guided Journey to Radical Wholeness by Lauren Leduc is a gateway for readers to deepen their spiritual connection to themselves.
In Meeting the Melissae, Elizabeth Ashley has done a beautiful job of unveiling the long-forgotten priestesses of the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Melissae.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches by Frater Barrabbas is not for the faint of heart or those who think of witchcraft as a passing phase.
In Theurgy, Theory & Practice, author P.D. Newman supplies a solid scholarly background on the development of theurgical practices.
Oracle of the Birds by Jeanne Ruland is an excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the natural world.
In The Magic of the Orphic Hymns: A New Translation for the Modern Mystic, co-authors Tamra Lucid and Ronnie Pontiac revitalize the traditional hymns with fresh new poetic renderings.