Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures by Richard Heath embarks on an exploratory journey into the sacred geometry origins within ancient goddess cultures.

Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures by Richard Heath embarks on an exploratory journey into the sacred geometry origins within ancient goddess cultures.
Crystal Grids by Nicola McIntosh is a wonderful resource for those feeling called to working with crystals in a meaningful way.
Oracle of the Birds by Jeanne Ruland is an excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the natural world.
I was drawn to the Crystal Oversoul Cards: Attunements for Lightworkers by Michael Eastwood because of the intricate geometric crystal designs on the cards.
Sacred Geometry by Richard Heath frames the foundation of the universe, physical building, and human life in an entirely new way.
Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries & Geomancy by Nigel Pennick is a history book about how magical practices and the routines of indigenous people are recorded in the present-day landscape – in this case, the landscape of Great Britain.