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Search Results for: moon cycles


Editor-In-Chief Alanna Kali is a writer, mystic, social philosopher, and liberation psychologist. Or, more succinctly, she is an Aquarius Sun with a Sagittarius Moon, who has dedicated her life to living the principles of truth, beauty, and freedom to the …

The Enchanted Moon, by Stacey DeMarco

Stacey DeMarco’s book, The Enchanted Moon: The Ultimate Book of Lunar Magic, is chock-full of valuable information on developing a relationship with the Moon to assist with living our lives in a magical way.

Of Blood and Bones, by Kate Freuler

Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick & the Dark Moon by Kate Freuler is a highly recommended title for any who want to deepen their practice of witchcraft and magick in a more balanced and polarized way.