In 2024 Moon Goddess Diary, Nicci Garaicoa presents twelve goddesses to support women as you brave the new frontier of a new year.
In 2024 Moon Goddess Diary, Nicci Garaicoa presents twelve goddesses to support women as you brave the new frontier of a new year.
An interesting combination of both myth and tradition, the Celtic Healing Oracle card deck by Rosemarie Anderson is filled with healing information and guidance.
The Book of Norse Magic by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a fun introduction for those seeking to learn more about this fascinating cultural heritage.
For those looking to explore more layers of their creative processes, undertaking the arduous process of transforming lead into gold, The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy is a wonderful resource.
In her reverence for the Tree of Life, Janis Fry is like a druidess, initiating readers into her yew-centric worldview with artwork and writing that captures the hallucinogenic quality of her god tree.
I was able to journey to the Emerald Isle with Morgan Daimler to visit the land of the “Fair Folk” through the pages of Pagan Portals – Aos Sidhe, Meeting the Irish Fairy Folk of Ireland.
I love to “hygge” in the winter but I also want to bring it into my life in the summer. Can it be done? Absolutely!
The Healing Power of the Sun by Richard Hobday inspired me to spend more time outdoors in order to improve my health.
A Spellbook for the Seasons by Tudrobeth is a companion to the seasons that will greatly enhance your experiences and show you in so many ways how we are connected to the natural world.
Plants of Power by Stacey Demarco and Miranda Mueller would be a good fit for someone who doesn’t have much knowledge about plants.