Sit down and clear your lap to make room for Ellen Evert Hopman’s The Sacred Herbs of Yule and Christmas.

Sit down and clear your lap to make room for Ellen Evert Hopman’s The Sacred Herbs of Yule and Christmas.
A Tea Witch’s Grimoire: Magickal Recipes for Your Tea Time by S.M. Harlow has amply provided the mystical wisdom of tea that I’ve been craving.
The Madonna Secret by Sophie Strand is by far the most epic love story I have read to date.
The Book of Norse Magic by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a fun introduction for those seeking to learn more about this fascinating cultural heritage.
Pagan Portals – Planetary Magic by Rebecca Beattie is a wonderful guide for those who want to learn how to use planetary magic in their practice.
Wiccan Teas and Brews by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a captivating and irresistible resource for anyone interested in the magical world of Wiccan tea magic.
Should you pick up The Threadwell’s Book of Plant Magic by Christina Oakley Harrington if you’ve never held an herb in your life? YES.
Soul Helper Oracle by Christine Arana Fader is for those ready to listen to their soul’s guidance.
Pearson thoroughly educates the reader to give a full-spectrum education into flower essences in Flower Essences from the Witch’s Garden.
The Poison Path Herbal: Baneful Herbs, Medicinal Nightshades, & Ritual Enthogens by Coby Michael is not here to play; it’s here to teach you reverence and respect for this particular path.