In Crystal Clear Oracle Deck, Nadine Gordon-Taylor has combined 44 well known crystals and minerals with beautiful symbols to provide unique guidance.
In Crystal Clear Oracle Deck, Nadine Gordon-Taylor has combined 44 well known crystals and minerals with beautiful symbols to provide unique guidance.
The Aquarian Shaman by Linda Star Wolf is a captivating exploration of shamanic practices and their relevance in the modern age.
For those who enjoy contemplating fate, perhaps even tempting it here and there, Wyrd Sisters by Casey Zabala is a true delight.
Daniel Odier has detailed and explained each technique of the Kaula Tantra in his book The Royal Path of Shakti.
Wiccan Crystals by Cerridwen Greenleaf is a nifty guide to using crystals for magical and spiritual goals.
Dwina Murphy-Gibb has created a masterful tarot deck with influences from the Vedic, Irish, Qabbalistic, and Rider-Waite-Smith traditions in The Vedic Tarot.
The Moon Apothecary by Lorraine Anderson is a captivating exploration of wellness rituals and recipes coordinated with the lunar cycles.
In Crystal Body Grids, healer and teacher Sharon L. McAllister provides a helpful guide for using crystals to heal one’s body.
In The Mindful Medium, Alison Grey shares her journey to becoming a psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and healer.
In The Secret Life of Mother Mary Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. brings new insight about the divine nature of Mother Mary.