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Tag Archives: candle magic

Mastering Candle Magic, by Patricia Telesco

Mastering Candle Magic: Advanced Spells and Charms for Every Rite, by Patricia Telesco
Crossed Crow Books, 1959883518, 220 pages, August 2024

One of the most appealing aspects of candle magic is its simplicity and accessibility. You don’t need elaborate tools or extensive training to begin practicing; a single candle and a clear intention are often enough. Yet for those who are seeking to learn more about candle magic, leaping from beginner to expert, Patricia Telesco provides wonderful guidance in Mastering Candle Magic: Advanced Spells and Charms for Every Rite.

Patricia Telesco is a prolific American author, herbalist, poet, lecturer, priestess, and folk magician. She has penned over 60 books covering topics such as self-help, cookery, magic, folklore. She is deeply involved in the metaphysical community, serving as a trustee for the Universal Federation of Pagans. You can see all her experience shine through in the pages of this book, which is filled with creative ideas and unique practical magical advice.

“The whole purpose behind Mastering Candle Magic is one of exploring ways to add in, personalize, or enhance your candle-lighting efforts for any ritual, spell, charm, meditation, or other metaphysical process.”1

Divided into two parts, this book begins with “Part 1: The Next Step”, which as the title confers is filled with the wisdom needed to advance one’s candle magic practice. In this section, Telesco encourages readers to begin to create, test, and refine their own candle magic spells, noting this is a step of spiritual growth in one’s practice. This might look like modifying prefabricated spells in a way that feels intuitive right or simply based on the items one has available to utilize in that moment to fully crafting a spell from scratch based on an understanding of correspondences.

Telesco offers ideas for both modifying and personalizing prefabricated spells as well as sharing a step-by-step process for creating one’s own candle magic spells. While the process might seem a bit like an introduction to candle magic for those who have practiced for some time, the foundation of it serves to reconnect readers with the basics that make a spell flourish. Telesco writes: “How much focus you give the spell, how much support you provide afterward, how much you trust in your magic–all of these things influence the results.”2

Ironically, even though the first part focuses on developing one’s own practice, “Part Two: Putting Match to Wick” is filled with tons of candle magic ideas for a wide variety of topics. For me, the greatest challenge is not simply using the prefabricated spells Telesco has provided and continuing to try to craft my own because all the ones in the book are so interesting and unique. But in an effort to focus on personalizing my spells, the ideas Telesco provides are fantastic starting points that have truly become a creative guide for me.

One thing that inspired me is the range of things candle magic can be used for. Prior to reading Mastering Candle Magic, I never thought to do spellwork to find lost objects, support my conscious mind, handle a haunting, or for organization. Yet these are just some of the types of candle magic Telesco offers spells for in addition to the most common ones like relationship needs, abundance, healing, divination, fertility, justice, power, opportunity, and more.

For each topic, Telesco describes why one might want to use that type of magic. She then shares a list that includes the best timing for the spell (moon phase, day of the week, type of weather, etc.), aromas, candle color, and other symbolic components (tarot card, crystal, household item, etc.). And following this, she offers two prefabricated spells that have plenty of room for personalizing but can also be used without modification.

In some cases, as with entries for Relationships and Hauntings, there’s more information that can be discerned from the way in which the flame burns or candle melts. For these, Telesco provides additional information about the meaning for readers to yield more insight from their process. For instance, a flame that quickly smolders means the relationship might be soon fading away if significant enough is not put in. This information helps the reader to better understand the subtleties of candle magic.

Finally, a real bonus of this book is the appendices at the end. “Appendix A: Historical Tidbits, Folk Beliefs, and Helpful Hints” further expand one’s knowledge of candles through time, from what they’ve been made of to how to best care for them. “Appendix B: Useful Correspondences” is very helpful for those ready to craft their own spells or modify an existing one by making a substitution. The content includes color associations (zodiac sign, general energy), numerology, energetic properties of stones, symbolism of shapes and images that can be carved into candles, aromatics and herbs, and significance of timing (weekdays, moon phases, seasons).

I have really enjoyed every spell, in particular how Telesco shares the words to recite for them amid detailed directions. While I do like the practice of creating my own, sometimes it’s just easier to apply what’s already ready to go! So far, I’ve noticed a big shift in my energy after doing the spell for Focus (I declined invitations that would have distracted me from getting what needed to be done, and then I relished my time, proud of how I honored my commitment to myself to focus on work.) and Organization (My thoughts are so much more clear and aligned – as is my wardrobe!) I plan on doing two more of Telesco’s spells for the full moon in Aquarius coming up: Freedom and Inspiration.

Overall, Mastering Candle Magic is suitable for any level of candle magic experience. It’s by far one of the most customizable candle magic books that beginners will have a lot of fun experimenting with as they gain the confidence to craft their own spells, while those looking to advance their practice will gain a lot of wisdom and creative initiative. Telesco’s originality is sure to open new pathways for readers’ to advance their own candle magic practice.

The Big Book of Candle Magic, by Jacki Smith

The Big Book of Candle Magic, by Jacki Smith
Weiser Books, 9781578637638, 309 pages, July 2022

Jacki Smith, founder of Coventry Creations, the largest magical candle company in North America, has written the most enlightening (!) book on candle magic, aptly titled The Big Book of Candle Magic. Described as a “comprehensive, in-depth guide including instructions for casting your own spells”1, this book opens with the most important question to consider before delving into the material: Do I really need a spell?

I loved being challenged by this question at the opening, as it made me sit up and take notice. I was no longer a passive reader, I was a participant. “Aunt Jacki”, as she refers to herself throughout the book, creates a conversational atmosphere in which she engages the reader and guides them through candle magic. How can you be intimidated into delving into this topic when Aunt Jacki is right there beside you?

She provides guidance on defining what a spell is – a “shifting of energy toward an intended goal.”2 She continues by writing that “the impact of that spell depends on your prep work, your intention, and your commitment to a shift in energy”3, while reminds the reader that “magic at its core is healing.”4 To help you answer her original question as to whether you need a spell, she writes that “if you are ready to manifest a change and heal a need both in yourself and in the wider world, then yes!”5

The book is divided into four sections, all providing guidance, tools, suggestions, and exercises including, most importantly, getting clear on whether you need a spell or a reality check. Again, your Aunt Jacki is going to lovingly help set you straight.

“Law of Attraction and magic. Is there a difference? If so, what is it? When you add the ritual of magic to your intent…your intent will manifest faster and cleaner. And that is where candle magic comes in. Candles provide an easy, powerful ritual within themselves.”6

Section One, The Magic Hour is Now”, provides exercises such as the “Why is That?” exercise. She encourages the reader to start and maintain a Candle Magic Journal, again with instructions provided. She details the difference between basic candle magic of lighting a candle versus advanced candle magic that includes casting a spell. Other topics included in the section include setting intent and casting for guidance.

Section Two, “Joy of Spellcrafting”, provides guidance on choosing a candle, prepping your candle for magic, and accessorizing your spell. Jacki delves into different types of candles (such as pillars, votive, and tea lights), blessed and dressed candles, sigils, color, and casting. I tend to not speak my spells out loud, but Jacki writes that a candle spell needs words to activate it and these words must be spoken out loud. She provides different phrasings of a spell, showing how one way is more valuable than another. Jacki prompts the reader to include boundaries of a time frame in the spell with an attainable due date, or else the spell is just a wish. 

Section Three, “Art of Cocreation”, focuses on inviting in the divine energies in the Universe. She encourages the reader to co-create with the spiritual realm. There is focus on setting up an altar and the types of altars such as an ancestor altar (my favorite), a purpose altar, nature altars, garden altars, divinity altars, and big magic altars – whatever you’re drawn to. She provides information on lighting the candle and ceromancy, the spiritual language of candles. Wondering how to “read” a candle? It’s in the book! And again, in this section she prompts the reader to return to their Candle Magic Journal with a list of questions on which to focus. 

Section Four, “Index of Inspiration”, is the reference section of the book. It provides a sample candle spell index (prosperity, love and relationships, protection, and clearing) that includes candle colors, candle types, dressing oils, and accessories such as stones or photographs.  There is a moon sign index as well as a color index, a magic herb index, a crystal and stone index, a tarot index, and a Magic 5 index of ingredients. While the first three sections are more conversational and action-oriented, this section is more informational and one that you’ll turn for reference as you delve into candle magic. 

Plus this book contains guidance, exercises, prompts, and recommendations on things such as creating a spell (the best spells rhyme!), different types of spells, use of color, stones, and tarot. Encyclopedic in the best way to describe some of the chapters.

In addition to its wealth of information, what is also unique about the book is its conversational tone, with craft projects, confessions, clarification, musing, and tips from our Aunt Jacki. What I most valued about Jacki’s writing was that it challenged me through prompts, journaling, and exercises to commune with the candles.

I was invited to set intentions, get clear about what I was calling into my life and why. Aunt Jackie helped me to define what I want and what I’m willing to do to get clear, as well as helping me to tune into if I was truly ready to act when I cast a spell. All of this was new terrain for me. To be honest, I never gave these questions much thought. But as Aunt Jackie reminds the reader, spells are actualized by my action. “Build your spell with clear intent and then pay attention to the outcomes. And there is always an outcome.”7 

“The goal of candle magic – or any magic of that matter – is to move your own limitations, fears, blocks, and beliefs out of the way so your intention can become real. “8

After reading The Big Book of Candle Magic, I continue to carry with me Aunt Jackie’s words that magic demands change. She reminds us if there is no need for change, there is no need for magic. I highly recommend this book if you are ready and willing to change. It will light the way for a new way of living with the magic of candles for years to come!

The Book of Candle Magic, by Madame Pamita

The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life, by Madame Pamita
Llewellyn Publications, 91309165998, 317 pages, October 2020

What a true pleasure to find The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life by Madame Pamita — the most all-encompassing book on candle magic that I’ve ever read! Confession, before digging into this book, I had a pack of 20 candles in a variety of colors since December 2019 that had never been touched after unwrapping them. It wasn’t because I didn’t have the time to begin a candle magic practice, I simply lacked the wisdom of how to do so to make it feel like I was truly doing something worthwhile.

The extent of my candle magic practice was essentially using a birthday candle here and there for a quick wish. Well, I can say this has all changed significantly thanks to Madame Pamita’s immense knowledge of candle magic, which has been so thoroughly and graciously shared in The Book of Candle Magic, that I am now trying all sorts of different things with confidence, knowledge, and great results thus far.

Madame Pamita is a tarot reader, rootworker, and teacher. She has a YouTube channel filled with information in her series Candle Magic Class and Magic Q&A Tea Party. For inspiration, I also looked through her website, Parlour of Wonders, which is filled with spells, magical materials, and kits for those who prefer something pre-made with instructions. She also has previously published Madame Pamita’s Magical Tarot: Using the Cards to Make Your Dreams Come True. Needless to say, Madame Pamita is a wellspring of practical tips and anecdotal experience coupled with sincere knowledge of her craft.

Before delving into the content of The Book of Candle Magic, I just want to take a moment to reflect on it’s beautiful, sturdy cover. The majestic purple inlay with silver and gold make it a very memorable book, filled with magic and mystery. It has a durability to it, making me feel assured it can withstand the inevitable wax drippings that I will get on it while using the handy references in the appendixes. The pages are laden with purple section headers and extremely helpful and well-crafted imagery, making it a very visually appealing book to read.

There are fifteen chapters and five appendices, in addition to a foreword and introduction. Obviously, I can hardly touch on everything covered in the breadth and scope of this book, but I will do my first to highlight some favorites and share my experiences in reading the book. One thing I noticed immediately is that it was very useful to read the book in the order it’s written. While I was itching to get started on my candle magic from the get-go, I saw how patience would yield the best results. You know, it’s fire, which has a quick, action-oriented feeling to it elementally, but working with the fire, tending to it, and mastering it required a whole skill set I had yet to cultivate, which lucky Madame Pamita was providing from square one.

What I realized most as I worked my way through the book was the subtle nuances to the craft of candle magic. Suddenly, I wanted a candle snuffer, wick trimmer, and new candle holders. I fully plan on dedicating a portion of Summer of 2021 to learning to create my own candles, hand-picking the waxes and scents best suited for the work I want to do. I ordered wax to create my own sigil seal, and also bought new paper specifically for writing out my petitions. All these small details seem to be adding up to make a big difference to the ways in which my spellwork manifests.

Madame Pamita has lit a fire within me to explore this type of magic, which really resonates with my husband and my fire moons and ascendent. It’s been a fun practice to share with him as well. So far, we’ve gone combing the beach for different sea shells to use in our candle magic, which was inspired by one of my favorite sections of the appendixes titled “List of Magical Shells.” There are also lists for magical herbs, gems, and talismans to be incorporated into one’s candling workings. I’ve also spruced up my herb collection and become more mindful of simple talismans I can incorporate into the work.

In addition to being very conversational in the book, Madame Pamita is also very pragmatic and conscious of the impact of her words. I say this because she’ll give small suggestions to make this work more eco-friendly, for those who are mindful of the effects on the environment. After reading the section about how even the way the candles are lit can have an impact, noting the debate between matches and lights, I decided to purchase a rechargeable electric light that seems to bring a bit of Uranian energy to the spellwork. I value that now I can even intuitively know which type of energy I want to light my candles with, increasing the spell potency. She also warns against leaving candles lit unattended or nearby curtains. While these seems like common sense, I applaud Madame Pamita for ensuring the safety of those she is guiding through this work. Sometimes gentle reminders are needed to be mindful in our workings. I say this because I do have a tendency to knock things over a lot! 🙂

There is also plenty of information shared about incorporating the magical energies of numerology, astrology, and the art candle reading. Not only am I now able to create candles with my more awareness of blending energy, I can also use the candles as a form of divination to see how the spell may play out. Madame Pamita covers wax reading (ceromacy), interpreting the flames of the fire (pyromancy), and smoke reading (capnomancy). This section was so useful for adding a new repertoire of knowledge of these forms of reading candles, and it certainly made my connection to the candles and the spellwork more intimate.

My next undertaking is going to be multi-day candle magic. I think now I’ve gotten the basics down, and I believe following Madame Pamita’s wisdom I can take it to the next level. One thing that’s for sure, I will be carefully planning it out. Now that I know how smaller candles can support a master candle, and that I can burn multiple candles over the course of days or divide one larger candle into sections, I feel like I have more potential to work with.

At any magician’s heart I think lay a desire for immense creativity and freedom in how we bring our spells to life, as they are cast from the very depth of our being. This is what Madame Pamita has offered above all in The Book of Candle Magic — the information to craft spells that are unique to you. With her knowledge and insight, there are so many ways a practitioner can take this book and run with it in all sorts of directions. It is a one-stop shop for all things candle magic, offering a plethora of guidances, advice, and tips.

Candle magicians of all levels will find something useful in this book, and it’s one that I know will be kept on hand for a long time to come. I am feeling called to end this with a heartfelt thank you to Madame Pamita for sharing so much of her accumulated knowledge all in one book. I feel like I cannot state the value of this writing enough, and I am so grateful for all the insight, inspiration, and opportunity it’s given me to expand my candle magic craft.