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Tag Archives: dark goddess

Pagan Portals – Maman Brigitte, by Pauline Green

Pagan Portals – Maman Brigitte: Dark Goddess of Africa and Ireland, by Pauline Breen
Moon Books, 1803417366, 112 pages, December 2024

I was unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised while reading Pagan Portals – Maman Brigitte: Dark Goddess of Africa and Ireland by Pauline Breen. While I’ve always been drawn to learning more about Saint Brigid from Ireland, I was previously unaware of Maman Brigitte and Brigid’s possible connection to the Lwa of Vodou.

Breen masterfully traces Brigid’s influence from Ireland to Haiti and, astoundingly, even to New Orleans in Louisiana, where I currently reside. Her research is conducted with evident respect for each culture she explores. It is profoundly interesting to observe how a goddess from Celtic culture has traversed such vast distances and touched the lives of people from completely different backgrounds, especially women who clearly needed her presence in their darkest times.

This book proved to be a truly fascinating read, resonating with me on a deeply personal level. As a woman of Irish descent, born and raised in Louisiana, and a mother currently navigating the recent loss of an infant, I felt a strong connection to Maman Brigitte. The book reveals that Maman Brigitte can be called upon for numerous purposes, but I was particularly drawn to her role as a protector of mothers, especially pregnant mothers, and children, as well as her assistance to souls transitioning from life to death.

I firmly believe that all things happen for a reason and that experiences come to us when we need them most, which is precisely how I feel about encountering this book. Unlocking knowledge of a goddess who aligns so closely with my current path has been an incredibly enlightening and humbling experience. I found myself deeply moved by the sample invocation and prayer included within the pages, which inspired me to write my own. Connecting to her energy was surprisingly effortless; I simply asked for her assistance, and I felt her presence with me. She provided me with strength and enveloped me in love, reassuring me that I would, and could, get through this challenging time.

Breen’s writing style is both engaging and accessible, making the book’s topics easy to understand. Her obvious passion for her subject matter shines through, and her dedication to her studies is evident on every page. Breen’s explanations of the historical and cultural contexts surrounding both Brigid and Maman Brigitte were clear and informative. The book is well-organized, with each chapter building upon the previous one, creating a cohesive and compelling narrative.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this book, I did find myself yearning for more in-depth exploration. Each chapter left me with a desire to delve further into the histories and struggles of women in each of the regions discussed. I would have loved for the author to have traveled to Haiti to gain more firsthand experience and speak with more practitioners and women who have a direct relationship with Maman Brigitte. While Breen does include references and quotes from other books that can guide further exploration, which I will be seeking those out to add to my library, her writing is so engaging that I found myself preferring to continue learning from her experiences and perspective.

Pagan Portals – Mama Brigitte serves as an excellent introduction to both Maman Brigitte and Saint Brigid. It is a highly informative work, and Pauline Breen demonstrates an impressive level of knowledge and devotion to her subject. I am very interested in learning and reading more from her in the future and even beginning my own research into the duality of gods and goddesses across various cultures.

This book offers a truly unique perspective that many might not connect on their own. It is a valuable read for all women, offering historical insights and a source of personal empowerment. The exploration of the connection between these two powerful figures is both fascinating and thought-provoking, and the book’s exploration of their shared aspects and their individual qualities is well-balanced.

In conclusion, Pagan Portals – Maman Brigitte is a compelling and enlightening book that offers a fresh perspective on the interconnectedness of cultures and the enduring power of feminine spirituality. It is a must-read for anyone interested in goddesses, Celtic traditions, Vodou, or the history of women’s spirituality. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of these subjects or looking for inspiration and empowerment in their own lives. I eagerly await Breen’s future works and will continue to explore the themes and ideas presented in this captivating book.

Reclaim Your Dark Goddess, by Flavia Kate Peters

Reclaim Your Dark Goddess: The Alchemy of Transformation, by Flavia Kate Peters
Rockpool Publishing, 9781922579065, 336 pages, October 2022

Every person experiences some form of darkness at some point in their life, either from losing something or not being able to get something. But what if that darkness is something that is created by the Self, for the Self? What if the darkness isn’t the end of everything, but rather the beginning of something better, and greater, than what had been there previously? In Reclaim Your Dark Goddess: The Alchemy of Transformation, author Flavia Kate Peters examines the transformation that embracing the darkness within can trigger. 

As the UK’s leading elemental and ancient magic expert, Peters teaches her professional certification magickal courses at the College of Psychic Studies, London and is a hereditary witch and high priestess of Arnemetia and of the Morrigan. Perfectly positioned to explore this fascinating journey, Peters has given readers a complete and thorough blueprint for how to access, and how to embrace, the darkness that we all carry.

Separated into two parts, the book also includes an introduction (an absolute must read; do not skip this part!) as well an appendix showcasing the Dark Goddesses and their archetypal shadow traits. Very helpful when starting off on this journey. In Part One, Peters divulges information on how to prepare to meet the Dark Goddess and goes into significant detail as to who this mysterious entity is. Sharing her story along the way, Peters blends her personal experience with solid information and rituals designed to help ease the pain of unburdening the soul. It’s almost as if she was right there beside you, patting your shoulder as you realize your entire world is falling apart.

One of my favorite parts of this book talks about the pain of leaving behind the comfort of the known life in order to become who you are meant to be. Peters describes it perfectly:

“As you go through it life as you once knew will disappear; it will no longer be in view or, in fact, exist. But that is the old life, those old ways of doing things and those relationships that were holding you back even if you didn’t realize it. They were comfortable, known and accepted so it will take a crisis to move them on, but if you wish to overcome your difficulties in order to transform your dreams into reality and live the life you came here for then move on they must.”1

Peters also provides some basic information around the Wheel of the Year, provides guidance on how to assemble a specific altar for the purpose of calling in the Dark Goddess, and breaks down the maiden-mother-crone aspects of both the seasons and the moon phases. It’s interesting to see these concepts linked together in this way and could provide a deeper layer for those who incorporate such things into their personal craft.

The second part of the book deals specifically with the various aspects of the Dark Goddess and more importantly, how to connect with them. Peters provides a myriad of information in each Goddess’ section from an extensive background on each, messages from the Dark Goddess, how to seek Her out, reasons for working with that particular goddess, and preparing for the initiation to name a few. It’s really quite simple to invoke the Dark Goddess, but Peters cautions that awareness is a must-have prior to any sort of invocation or other work with the Goddesses. She explains:

“‘The Dark Goddess expects you to be responsible for yourself and your reactions, but it is not easy when you go through a dark night of the soul for you can be blinded by circumstance and find it hard to believe you will ever see the light again.”2

Personally, I found Reclaiming Your Dark Goddess to be a pleasure to read and the concepts in it were easy to understand and follow. I really liked the thoughtfulness that went into sorting the sections of the book and the guidance this layout provides. I would mention that if you are going to be doing this kind of work, you might want to engage with a therapist to help you unravel some of the trickier bits as they are encountered. There is no shame in asking for help, and asking for help shows the Dark Goddess that you are sincere in your supplication to her.

As someone who has done an incredible amount of shadow work and therapy, I was personally blown away by how accurately Peters described her own personal ‘dark night of the soul’. It’s not easy to discover that all the things once thought to be important mean nothing in the context of knowing who you are. The pain of losing people, habits, and other tangible and intangible things that provide comfort to us while we navigate life is almost unbearable until you catch a glimpse of what’s waiting for you on the other side. Being able to shed all that is no longer needed and emerge from the process scarred but beautiful is a wonderful part of life and this collective journey.

Encountering the Dark Goddess, by Frances Billinghurst

Encountering the Dark Goddess: A Journey Into Shadow Realms, by Frances Billinghurst
Moon Books, 1789045994, 248 pages, March 2021

One of the most fascinating elements of human psychology is the penchant we have for self-reflection. In some form or another, we often delve deep within ourselves to try and find answers that we know lie deep within us. In her book Encountering the Dark Goddess: A Journey Into Shadow Realms, Frances Billinghurst has carved a path for us to tread in our personal search for the answers we need in order to evolve and become better versions of ourselves.

An experienced writer on this topic, Billinghurst is an initiated witch, ritualist and healer, and runs workshops on metaphysics, mythology, and the occult. Billinghurst thoughtfully divides the book into three parts which make perfect sense if you are new to the idea of Shadow Work and the Dark Goddess Herself. Bundling information together in this way is extremely helpful if you are familiar with the work and want to jump past the background information.

Personally, no matter the topic, I almost always read the intro sections provided because I feel they form the basis or foundation of what the writer is actually trying to get across. Knowing where Billinghurst sits in terms of who she feels the Dark Goddess is and how she perceives Her is valuable information to me and helps me to expand my own knowledge. No matter your knowledge level, I highly recommend reading the introduction section to ensure you gain the same insight.

Billinghurst provides substantial background on the origin of the Dark Goddess and challenges our collective fear of the darkness by stating that:

 “Darkness holds the peace which is reflected by the mother’s womb from which we all are born, and the earth’s tomb into which we eventually return. From darkness we are born and, in effect, into darkness we will all return.”3

By making such comparisons, she is effectively building the case for why we should embrace the darkness and perceive it as a helper rather than something to be feared. She also makes a valid point about balance that I happen to agree with: the need to have both light and dark in one’s life is essential for forward movement and growth, whereas too much of either is potentially limiting.

The section titled “Meeting the Dark Goddess” caught my eye straightaway, with Billinghurst delving into thirteen different representations of the Dark Goddess. She weaves together aspects of the Dark Goddess from across a variety of practices and belief systems, something that is often attempted but poorly executed.

Here, Billinghurst respectfully offers her views on 13 different representations of the Dark Goddess and offers ways in which to work with them. There is a sense of reverence that is felt through her writing about the various aspects and she alludes to deeper works that might be of interest to those wishing to go even further down the rabbit hole of history, myth, and folklore in connection with the Dark Goddess. 

The final section is about working with the Dark Goddess and there is no shortage of caution expressed by Billinghurst. She doesn’t shrink back from exploring the enormity of working within the Shadows of ourselves nor does she try and pretty up the process to make it more palatable. Shadow Work is intense, uncomfortable, and life-changing and just because you’ve dipped your toe into this work one or twice does not mean you are free from the gaze of the Dark Goddess. If anything, doing this work puts you on the radar, so to speak. Billinghurst feels the same, saying

“Just because you have worked with the Dark Goddess once or in one format, or even under the guidance of one particular teacher does not mean you have completely embraced all of your shadow qualities and therefore no longer need to undergo such work.”4

What really impressed me with this book is the appreciation for, and acknowledgement of, the fact that just because you are immersed in an excavation of the soul through shadow work, it doesn’t mean you neglect the lighter aspects of the Goddess. These labels we give to the goddess helps us to navigate through the various lessons that are provided through the interaction we have with her, but we need to understand that when you work with an iteration of the Goddess, you end up getting all of Her and not just the parts you think you need. Billinghurst expands on this this by saying, “Working with the Dark Goddess does not necessarily mean you are not working with a lighter aspect of the goddess, the divine feminine, either.”5

This means to me that while we have lots of fancy descriptors for whichever iteration of the Dark Goddess we happen to be working with that correspond to the qualities we feel we need to access at this time, we also have access to the rest of Her too. Doing Shadow Work with a Dark Goddess is not like feasting at a buffet: you have to acknowledge and accept that you will see all sides of the Goddess and adjust accordingly. Personally, working with a Dark Goddess always brings me closer to the part of me that needs softening. Working with a Goddess such a Morrigan brings about a lot of fire and intensity, but after that dies down there is a sense of peace and stability that follows that my soul craves while I am doing this work.

Whether you are familiar with Shadow Work or just contemplating starting, Encountering the Dark Goddess is an excellent guide on how to dovetail an iteration of the Dark Goddess into that work. Full of useful information on a selection of Dark Goddesses, as well as personal stories and poems, this book is going to remain on my shelf to be pulled down often for both reference and for the deeper work that the second half of the year brings.