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Guardian Angel Oracle, by Debbie Malone

Guardian Angel Oracle: 36 Gilded Cards and 88-Page Book, by Debbie Malone and illustrated by Amalia Chitulescu
Rockpool Publishing, 97819225796990, 88 pages, 36 cards, December 2022

I’ve had the opportunity to use many angel oracle decks; you may even call me an angel oracle deck connoisseur. It’s no wonder then that I was eager to see the messages Guardian Angel Oracle: 36 Gilded Cards and 88-Page Book by Debbie Malone and illustrated by Amalia Chitulescu held for me.

Malone has seen and sensed spirit since she was a child1. Plus she’s had seven near-death experiences during her lifetime. She’s shared her natural abilities as a clairvoyant and medium with others through readings and best-selling books, including Awaken Your Psychic Ability and Never Alone. Additionally, she was voted Australian Psychic of the Year in 2013. Malone’s ability to bring to us communication from the angels is a true gift. 

Guardian Angel Oracle was refreshingly unique in its messages, simplicity of use (this is a compliment!), and relatable illustrations. It focuses on the special connection each person has with their guardian angel. The cards offer ways in which one’s guardian angel can connect on specific topics such as past lives, new beginnings, comfort, and dreams. The cards facilitate communication with your guardian angel, while still availing one of free will; you retain the right to choose to follow messages. 

The cards offer positive messages meant to inspire, even if the topic at hand might feel challenging, which is why I appreciated the turnarounds. For example, with the Angel of Tranquility card, the message is that while one might be caught up in a fast-paced, stressful life, “there is a way to get tranquility and peace”2 back into one’s life. The focus is on the way out, not on the “problem.” The recommendations that follow such as taking just five minutes a day to slow down or to listen to calming music are doable. 

The accompanying deck guide recommends a ritual to dedicate the cards to make them your own and to infuse your energy into the deck. Debbie recommends paying attention to “jumping cards;” ones that jump or fall out as the deck is shuffled, as they are ways the angels attempt to get our attention. Anyone who has used decks regularly has most likely experienced these “jumping” cards; they seem to just fly out!

In the guidebook, Malone suggests four card layouts: one card, three-card, five-card, and six-card. The first layout I always do with a deck is a one card pull. I did the one-card pull on two consecutive days and pulled the same card, the Angel of Communication.  The Angel of Communication card shows an angel as an Asian male, dressed in contemporary white clothing with his hands in a guyan mudra pose. Seated on either side of him are an Asian male and female, also dressed in white contemporary clothing (although the woman is also clothed in purple shorts), with their backs toward each other, obviously not communicating well.

The message of the Angel of Communication card is “You have the communication skills within you to share your ideas and feelings with others.”3 The accompanying affirmation is “I have the voice I need to help me communicate with my angels and those around me.”4

The message and affirmation were true for me. But what struck me was how spot on the message was for what was troubling me, that is, difficulty communicating with a loved one. Nothing I tried was working and truthfully, I gave up, which didn’t sit well with me. The writing on the angel asked if I was “finding it difficult to communicate with a loved one about an issue?”5 It recommended a throat chakra clearing and meditation, reminding me that I could call on the Angel of Communication whenever I needed assistance with communication.

The three-card spread helps one with changes, inspiration, and guidance. The five-card spread focuses on what one needs to “work with to help you feel more connected and guided in your life.”6 The cards focus on the question, cause, action (cards three and four), and the outcome/answer. When I did a few five-card spreads the messages I received were right on, surprisingly, so much that I could not ignore them. Again, with this deck I continued to receive very clear messages that directly related to my life. 

The six-card spread, in the form of angel wings, is used for encouragement when one is “feeling disconnected from yourself and your angels.”7 It was a visually beautiful spread that offered guidance and inspiration. A few of the cards that came up in earlier spreads made an appearance in this spread. Malone recommends that one pay particular attention to the sixth card as the angel associated with the card will be the most powerful angel to work with on the question at hand.

Thirty-six angels are profiled in the deck, described by what they assist with. For example, one will find the Angels of Gratitude, Health, Procrastination, and Unity. Each angel is profiled with a positive statement about where one is at the present moment. For example, with the Angel of Balance one reads: “You are in a calm and balanced state of mind. You will make the right decisions for your future.”8 The profile continues with ways to work with the angel and how to hear the communications. It concludes with an affirmation

The deck is illustrated by Amalia Chitulescu, a Romanian-born self-taught digital artist. The front of the cards are done in a bluish gray with floating white feathers among pinkish orange clouds. The card faces vary tremendously with images of people of all races, bringing beautiful diversity to this deck.

The Angel of Comfort card has an African-American couple, with the male comforting the female. Angel wings appear behind the couple. Then the Angel of Solitude card has the image of a radiant female angel dressed in white, her wings open, her gaze focused on the heavens. White doves and feathers surround her. Below her, a woman sits on a canoe, an orange tree growing from one tip of the canoe, an orange and black butterfly sitting on the other tip, with three other butterflies surrounding the canoe. 

Overall, I highly recommend Guardian Angel Oracle for those seeking to connect with their guardian angel for divine guidance. As I mentioned, the messages from the deck have been very consistent for me, providing me with the insight I need to gain a better perspective. The angelic messages are loving, direct, and encouraging. One truly feels wrapped in angel wings when using the deck.

Psychic Reading Cards, by Debbie Malone

Psychic Reading Cards: Awaken your Psychic Abilities, by Debbie Malone and illustrated by Amalia I. Chitulescu 
Rockpool Publishing, 925924763, 36 cards, 96 pages, February 2021

I’ll admit that the Psychic Reading Cards by Debbie Malone deck piqued my interest immediately because of the vivid imagery of a phoenix on the deck box done by illustrator Amalia I. Chitulescu. You know what they say about judging a book by its cover, but great cover art will get my attention every time.

Malone, is a celebrated psychic medium and clairvoyant from Australia who has assisted police departments across her country in missing-persons and murder investigations for well over a decade. She has written other books that mainly center around this work, including Clues from Beyond: True Crime Stories from Australia’s #1 Psychic Detective and Never Alone: A Medium’s Journey – Real Life Files from a Psychic Detective.  The author has also created two other card decks, Angel Reading Cards and Guardian Angel Reading Cards, also both illustrated by Chitulescu.

The cards in this deck sport vibrant illustrations and mostly single word titles, such as Coins, Nature, Abundance, Celebration, Mirror, and Doorways. I’m always curious what my first draw will be from a new deck. This one was an accurate acknowledgment of my present reality with a card titled Juggler – illustrated with a woman sitting cross legged and juggling several different items including a clock, a house, a book, a dollar bill, and some baby shoes.

I was indeed juggling quite a few different obligations the day I drew the card, and I chuckled at the deck’s sense of humor. Interestingly, the following day I did a group reading for over a dozen people and not a single card repeated itself, until I drew one for myself… yep, still juggling I was.

The single word (or in a few cases, multi-word) titles evoke a strong meaning on their own, which coupled with the illustration for each card seem to speak volumes. In the single card readings I did most of the querents felt like they knew exactly what the card was saying without any explanation from me or from the accompanying book.

The guidebook, though, is a beautiful addition, full of wise uplifting words and gorgeously illustrated on every glossy page with full color renditions of the cards and beautiful graphic design throughout. 

All in all, I did over a dozen single-card readings, as well as half a dozen multiple-card readings using the spreads provided in the accompanying guidebook. There were many things in common among the responses from querents – but the two that were unanimous were an excitement about the images and the sense that the deck spoke very clearly to their current situations.

Several people commented they had unspoken questions answered and had received much clarity, such as this actual comment sent to me by a querent in response to her reading (quoted here with her permission):

“I loved the imagery of the cards. They felt so comforting and it was easy to gather the messages from the images. The words that accompanied the images were spot on. What I love is the realness and earthiness of the card descriptions. Sometimes I feel confused by card descriptions but these were really simple to read through and follow. They were relatable and straight to the point. The questions the creator asked in the cards were perfect as well.

In terms of the reading itself it is most definitely resonating. I started to put into works a trip to visit a friend soon. I’d been thinking about it but this spread helped me take some action on it and confirmed for me that was a good step to take. The doors opening and phoenix were so timely as well. I felt there was such a nice flow with the messages of these cards.”

The above comments are indicative of the responses I received from all the querents I read for using this deck. The card meanings in this deck and guidebook all lean towards the extreme positive, which could be partly the reason that all of the comments I received about readings were very positive and optimistic! And even though the card meanings are positive, the author doesn’t hesitate to ask powerful questions that will possibly evoke strong emotion from honest answers.

Each card description begins with an italicized sentence that gives the overall idea for the card. For example, the card titled Phoenix, which is pictured on the deck/book packaging, encapsulates its message in the sentence “It is your time to rise and begin again.”5

The card descriptions go on to not only give advice, but to also ask very good questions that would make for powerful inquiry and journaling prompts. The Phoenix asks:

“Have you been feeling stuck and blocked with your spiritual journey? Have you found it difficult to let go of issues from the past? Do you feel that everything in your life seems to be going wrong? Do you question when will it be your time to shine? Do you feel that you don’t have the power and ability to achieve your goals?”9

As for specifics, the cards are very large – 4 ½ x 5 inches. They are not so easily shuffled if you have small hands, but the trade-off is having those large, gorgeous images. The cards are made of quality glossy cardstock that is thin enough to shuffle easily and thick enough to feel durable. The book is just shy of 5×7 inches and both items come in a beautiful and sturdy box that closes with a magnetic clasp. The lovely, sturdy case is definitely a plus in my book.

I would recommend Psychic Reading Cards for anyone looking for very positive oracle cards, beautiful surrealist collage art, and great journaling prompts for doing deeper work and encouraging intuitive messages.