Protection Charms: Harness Your Energy Force To Guide Against Psychic Attack, by Tania Ahsan
Red Wheel Weiser, 1590035153, 160 pages, November 2020
As you move through your days, you pick up so much energy into your auric field. By the evening, you may find yourself grumpy, exhausted, and overwhelmed without being able to pinpoint just where this negativity is stemming from. This is because when you are not aware of your energy, you often consume the news and social media, fuel yourself with unhealthy thoughts, and interact with a variety of people unguarded, which all impacts your energetic level.
To truly master yourself, you must learn to cultivate, share, and protect your energy with intention. This is why Protection Charms: Harness Your Energy Force To Guard Against Psychic Attack by Tania Ahsan is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay in their own vibe and actively cultivate good energy to keep themselves aligned. This book is filled with energy practices you can use into your life to keep you balanced, safe, and free from the ill will of others. Its easy-to-read style makes it effortless to implement in your daily life. I’m positive you’ll notice a huge energy shift almost immediately!
If you are an empath, intuitive, or sensitive person, then it is vital to have a foundation of knowledge about how to cleanse yourself and protect your energy. Before you dabble with any type of energy work or magical practice, learning how to keep yourself guarded against unwanted energy and secure within your own energy is of the utmost importance. As Ahsan describes:
“Before you can begin any magickal work, you need to cleanse your energy and that of the space in which you will be creating your charms. This is not just about physical hygiene; it is cleansing the invisible energies around you and your home. Without this vitally important step in the process, your charms and magickal intent will not be pure and can be tainted by unhelpful thought forms, stagnant energies, and negative experiences.” 1
What’s great about this book is that it’s an accessible guide to learn how to do this, even if you don’t have much practice with the invisible realms. Protection Charms will likely be your saving grace, as you realize the many ways you can more consciously hone your ability to clear energy, develop charms to guide energy, and draw the energy you desire into your life.

Protections Charms is divided into three sections: Energetic Hygiene, Charms and Symbols, and Rules of Attraction. While you could read it out of order, I found that each section really built upon the previous one. Ahsan offers a variety of techniques and approaches because, as stated in the Introduction, she’s an eclectic magic practitioner who believes you should follow the path that feels right for you. She makes it so you can mix and match to find the routine that’s best for your lifestyle, as well as the energy working that feels appropriate for the moment.
In the first section, Energetic Hygiene, Ahsan provides an overview of people’s energetic make-up so they can better understand the subtle energy field. There are tips about what type of salts to use, methods to repel and attract energy, techniques to keep your thoughts positive, and a bunch of ways to clear energy, such as cord cutting and decluttering.
Ahsan also teaches about listening to one’s body, creating altars, and learning how to feel the flow of energy in your environment. Additionally, there’s energetic rituals that can be performed daily in the morning, evening, weekly, and monthly. They are so simple, and I’ve really enjoyed incorporating them into my daily routine, such as showering and brushing my teeth. Weaving together the magic with the mundane makes these habits feel intentional and empowering.
Once the reader has learned the basics of tending to their energy and that of their ritual space and home, Ahsan moves into creating and using charms and symbols to direct the energy in our lives. She covers verbal charms, physical charms, and seven main charms, such as the ouroboros, elements, and hamsa. The best part of this section was an incredible 49-day meditative practice to draw in the energy of seven planets into your solar plexus chakra so you can call on the energy as needed. I’m only on week one, but am thrilled to be incorporating this technique into my energetic toolkit.
Another thing I really liked about this section was the guidance on how to create a house amulet and a personal charm. Ahsan guides the reader through how to find their charm object (many different stone descriptions are included) and then offers advice about how to paint it with the symbol they are most drawn to, depending on the intention of the charm. I definitely plan on making some of these this weekend, and it also seems like a fun activity to do with friends.

The last section, Rules of Attraction, is all about manifesting your vision into reality. Ahsan covers topics such as visualization, gratitude, recharging energy, creating an altar for your intention, personal grooming, and clearing energy blockages. There’s also a guide on the type of charms to give for big life events, such as weddings, births, and funerals.
If by now you’re thinking there’s a lot packed into this book, then you’re absolutely right! While Ahsan doesn’t necessarily go super in-depth into each topic, Protection Charms spans a wide range of practices, techniques, and exercises to be more purposeful in energy work. The tone is upbeat and straight-foward, without any fluff that might make it drag on. I really like that it feels imbued with good vibration, as sometimes books about protection magic are ultra defensive and cautionary. This book gives it to you directly, acknowledging common energy mistakes that impact our magic, while also happily providing the remedies to re-align.
Plus, the book design is very visually appealing. It’s filled with bright colors that heightened reading engagement for me. It’s not a cut and dry book; there’s bullet points, pictures, glyphs, and step by step guides throughout. These all make it a very practical and handy book to have nearby. At the same time, it would also look wonderful on a coffee table and be sure to spark some interesting discussions
To be honest, protective energy practices are still something I have to actively work to put into practice. I’m sure I’m not the only one who procrastinates my space clearing and energy cleansing practices, similar to how I put off washing dishes, laundry, or vacuuming. But after spending a few days actively using the exercises and techniques in this book, I’ve been reminded that a routine of energy tending is simple, yet profound. I’m so looking forward to embedding these energy hygiene techniques into my daily routine, creating my charms, and continuing to hone my manifestation abilities.
I highly recommend Protection Charms to anyone who is looking to learn more about working with energy. This book gives you a guide to get started tending to your energy with care and consideration. In addition to learning how to keep your energy safe while engaging in energy work, you’ll also get tips on how to fine-tune your practice to include charms and law of attraction techniques. Ahsan has done a wonderful job sharing with readers all they need to know to instantly enhance the energetic quality of their life.

Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and pioneer spirit that loves to explore life through the lens of depth psychology. She has a passion for studying the humanities and social trends. Her academic work is centered upon reuniting body, mind, and spirit through eco-psychology. She loves reading, spending time in nature, and travel.