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Search Results for: spirit guide

Interview with Spirit Guide Erin

Being sensitive to spirit runs in my family. I think when it’s in your lineage, it will eventually manifest itself, which it has for myself and my girls. My mom told me my great grandmother would speak to my great grandfather’s spirit each day in her room after he passed.

Kinesic Magic, by Donald Tyson

I’ve occasionally found books on mudras for the astrological signs, and I also am familiar with the correspondence between body parts and zodiac signs, but never had I discovered a method to blend it all together. This is why I absolutely love Kinesic Magic: Channeling Energy with Postures & Gestures, in which Donald Tyson has created a comprehensive guide that shifts the practice of magic from complex rituals in arcane grimoires to the bare essential of one’s body.

Kali Oracle, by Alana Fairchild

The Kali Oracle, created by Alana Fairchild and illustrated by Jimmy Manton, perfectly captures the dark, primal nature of Kali, while also initiating the reader into some of her lesser-known forms to help the reader get the full picture of this power dark goddess.

The Chiron Effect, by Lisa Tahir

The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness by Lisa Tahir, LCSW is a wonderful place to begin your journey in discovering your wounding and shifting it into a healed strength.

Angel Tarot, by Travis McHenry

While Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry does facilitate this sacred connection to the power of the angels, the deck is unique because it also offers sigils, seals, and ancient grimoire knowledge to invite the angels into your life.

Egyptian Magick, by Mogg Morgan

Cue Egyptian Magick: A Spirited Guide by Mogg Morgan, which is just the book for those who truly wish to expand their practice into a working system.

Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld, by Jean-Pierre Bayard

One of the first things I noticed about Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld: The Power & Meaning of Subterranean Spaces was how incredibly dense it is. This book is not a light read; it’s meant for those serious about exploring the hidden symbolism and meaning found in the deepest recesses of the Earth.

Enchanted Herbal, by Gail Bussi

I have been delightfully surprised by all the inspiration offered by Gail Bussi in Enchanted Herbal: Connect to Nature & Celebrate the Seasons. This book is handy, practical, and filled with wisdom for all the seasons.

Queering Your Craft, by Cassandra Snow

From now on, whenever someone asks to me to recommend a book about getting started in witchcraft, Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins is the book I am going to recommend, whether or not that person is queer.

11.11 Oracle, by Alana Fairchild

In 11.11 Oracle: Answers to Uplift and Shift, Fairchild shares a lengthy explanation about the power of 11.11 and her belief that “every instance of 11.11 is the Universe reassuring us.”