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Search Results for: god

The Cult of the Yew, by Janis Fry

In her reverence for the Tree of Life, Janis Fry is like a druidess, initiating readers into her yew-centric worldview with artwork and writing that captures the hallucinogenic quality of her god tree.

Protection & Reversal Magick, by Jason Miller

Protection & Reversal Magick (Revised and Updated Version): A Witch’s Defense Manual by Jason Miller is the newly revised version of what has become a classic book regarding magickal work to protect and ward.

Wild Woman Oracle, by Cheyenne Zárate

Cheyenne Zárate, the enigmatic artist who created Wild Woman Oracle: Awaken Your True, Free and Soulful Self, knows exactly how you’re feeling when you say you want to reconnect with the wildness inside you.

Crimson Craft, by Halo Quin

Halo Quin is a devotee of Freya and the Faery Queen, so it’s easy to see where the impetus for Crimson Craft: Sexual magic for the Solo Witch comes from!