Spirit Weaver by Seren Bertrand is a treasure trove of wisdom about the magic of the feminine mysteries.

Spirit Weaver by Seren Bertrand is a treasure trove of wisdom about the magic of the feminine mysteries.
I highly recommend Brigid’s Light, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella, both as a way to get to know the multi-faceted Brigid and for the ways that you can invite her to walk life’s path with you.
The Empires of Atlantis: The Origins of Ancient Civilizations and Mystery Traditions Throughout the Ages by Marco M. Vigato is not an ordinary book about an extraordinary subject.
The Healing Power of the Sun by Richard Hobday inspired me to spend more time outdoors in order to improve my health.
A Spellbook for the Seasons by Tudrobeth is a companion to the seasons that will greatly enhance your experiences and show you in so many ways how we are connected to the natural world.
Pagan Portals – Sekhmet by Olivia Church is one of those titles that seems synchronistically to appear exactly when it is needed, much like the Goddess Sekhmet Herself.
Pantheon: The Norse by Morgan Diamler is perfect for those who are interested in a ground level introduction to the Norse pantheon without all the fluff.
I’ve been on a deep dive into research on spiritual protection lately, and therefore was thrilled to come across Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection by Draja Mickaharic
Angelology by Angemi Rabiolo and Iris Biasio is an introduction to the angelic realm that presents them as celestial superheroes.
The Witch at the Forest’s Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Witchcraft by Christine Grace is an immersive and deep dive into the world of the modern witch.