I highly recommend Brigid’s Light, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella, both as a way to get to know the multi-faceted Brigid and for the ways that you can invite her to walk life’s path with you.

I highly recommend Brigid’s Light, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella, both as a way to get to know the multi-faceted Brigid and for the ways that you can invite her to walk life’s path with you.
The Healing Power of the Sun by Richard Hobday inspired me to spend more time outdoors in order to improve my health.
Medium Mentor by MaryAnn DiMarco is filled with the guidance my spirit needed to take my psychic abilities to the next level.
A Spellbook for the Seasons by Tudrobeth is a companion to the seasons that will greatly enhance your experiences and show you in so many ways how we are connected to the natural world.
Angels in Waiting: How to Reach Out to Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides by Robbie Holz with Judy Katz is the perfect reminder of the ample assistance available to us, if we just remember to ask.
Jerry Hyde’s book Empathy for the Devil: Make Your Demons Work for You. Without Selling Your Soul. is one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read.
Pagan Portals – Sekhmet by Olivia Church is one of those titles that seems synchronistically to appear exactly when it is needed, much like the Goddess Sekhmet Herself.
In First Nations Crystal Healing, Luke Blue Eagle provides lots of tools and techniques that just about anyone can follow.
I’ve been on a deep dive into research on spiritual protection lately, and therefore was thrilled to come across Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection by Draja Mickaharic
In Healing with Clay, Ran Knishinsky shares with readers the health benefits of incorporating clay into their diets.