Psychedelic Consciousness by Daniel Grauer is a wonderful resource for the tidal wave of people who are new to psychedelics and contemplating consciousness.
Psychedelic Consciousness by Daniel Grauer is a wonderful resource for the tidal wave of people who are new to psychedelics and contemplating consciousness.
Take a breath, pause, and gift yourself the time to delve into Seasons of a Magical Life: A Pagan Path of Living by H. Byron Ballard.
A Spell in the Forest: Book 1 – Tongues in Trees by Roselle Angwin draws the reader into an ethos of tree wisdom and healing.
Witch Please, I just can’t get enough. Ann Aguirre has immensely brightened up my life with this book, which I just found hilarious.
In his book Horary Astrology: The Theory and Practice of Finding Lost Objects, Anthony Louis takes readers into a deep dive of this ancient art and provides a wonderful foundation for budding learners.
Stars and Stones: An Astro-Magical Lapidary by Peter Stockinger is a guide to using crystals as an extension of planetary energy.
The Language of Flowers Oracle by Cheralyn Darcey has been brightening my oracle readings, while also giving me personal insights, along with tips and techniques for tending to my plants.
The Lotus and the Bud: Cannabis, Consciousness, and Yoga Practice by Christopher S. Kilham is a wonderful guide to deepening one’s explorations into the expanded states of consciousness offered through yoga practice.
Visionary Path Tarot, by Lucy Delics Lucy Delics (aka Emma Lucy Shaw) has created a stunning black and white deck that captures tarot archetypes woven with spiritual symbols, plant medicines, and Peruvian images in Visionary Path Tarot….→ Read More PJ …
Mythology for a Magical Life, by Ember Grant From its gorgeous cover art to its lovely conclusion, Ember Grant’s Mythology for a Magical Life: Stories, Rituals & Reflections to Inspire Your Craft will leave you enchanted, challenged, inspired, soothed, and …