The intention of The Medicine Wheel by Barry Goddard is to remind humanity of the intimate connection we have with nature and the cosmos.

The intention of The Medicine Wheel by Barry Goddard is to remind humanity of the intimate connection we have with nature and the cosmos.
In Entering Hekate’s Cave, Dr. Cyndi Brannen guides readers through the tunnels of the Underworld to find the goddess within.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches by Frater Barrabbas is not for the faint of heart or those who think of witchcraft as a passing phase.
The Madonna Secret by Sophie Strand is by far the most epic love story I have read to date.
Undreaming Wetiko by Paul Levy is an essential text for those who are deep-diving into shadow work and healing ancestral trauma.
In Soul Medicine, poet and transformational psychotherapist Edward Tick, Ph.D. offers a soul-nourishing approach to healing trauma.
Pagan Portals – Ancient Fayerie: Stories of the Celtic Sidhe and how to Connect to the Otherworldly Realms by Melanie Godfrey is a brilliant and enchanting book.
Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle by Stacey Demarco opens whole world of exploration, if you have the courage to go beyond the realm of comfort.
Earthy, primal, rich, and real – this is how I feel sinking into The Holy Wild Grimoire by Danielle Dulsky.
Spirit Weaver by Seren Bertrand is a treasure trove of wisdom about the magic of the feminine mysteries.