Pagan Portals – Ancient Fayerie: Stories of the Celtic Sidhe and how to Connect to the Otherworldly Realms by Melanie Godfrey is a brilliant and enchanting book.
Pagan Portals – Ancient Fayerie: Stories of the Celtic Sidhe and how to Connect to the Otherworldly Realms by Melanie Godfrey is a brilliant and enchanting book.
A Walk Through the Forest of Souls: A Tarot Journey to Spiritual Awakening, by Rachel PollackWeiser Books, 1578637708, 288 pages, May 2023 Award-winning science fiction author, comic book writer, tarot expert, and trans activist Rachel Grace Pollack passed away on …
Horns of the Goddess by Dolores Cannon is an interesting exploration of the concept of past lives and the impact that information may carry within the greater scientific and spiritual communities of the present.
I was eager to see the messages Guardian Angel Oracle by Debbie Malone and illustrated by Amalia I. Chitulescu held for me.
In Pagan Portals – Folktales, Faeries, and Spirits, Halo Quin takes us on a journey into the world of the fae.
A Beginner’s Guide to Ogham Divination by Ceri Norman is an excellent resource for anyone interested in exploring the fascinating world of Celtic divination.
Trees Are Our Letters by Carol Day is a beautifully written and informative book that explores the remarkable ways in which we are all – humans, nature, and spirit – connected by stories.
In her reverence for the Tree of Life, Janis Fry is like a druidess, initiating readers into her yew-centric worldview with artwork and writing that captures the hallucinogenic quality of her god tree.
Soul Helper Oracle by Christine Arana Fader is for those ready to listen to their soul’s guidance.
Interview with Katrina Townsend about the upcoming release of Anti-Consumerist Druid: How I Beat My Shopping Addiction Through Connection With Nature.