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Tag Archives: money

The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck, by Taylor Eaton

The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck: 44 Oracle Cards for Abundance, by Taylor Eaton and illustrated by Stephanie Wicker-Campbell
Muse Oracle Press, 0645885029, 96 pages, 44 cards, August 2024

Goal of the year? Attune to abundance and get my finances aligned. So, you can only imagine how thrilled I was to discover The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck by Taylor Eaton, a money mindset expert that has coached hundreds of women to create more wealth in their lives. Her method includes utilizing client’s Human Design charts to maximize their potential. She has tons of information and free resources for those looking to clear their money blocks on her website.

The title of this deck is what really first caught my attention. It feels like gaining financial security always requires chasing something—a new job, more clients, that promotion, and so on. But Eaton’s assertion that there’s a wealthy woman within me already was something new in itself, which instantly reframed my mindset. What might I discover from looking inside myself for the prosperity I seek? 

“Whether you are just beginning your journey to wealthy or want to amplify the abundance you already have in your life, this deck is your invitation to connect with the wealthy woman within you.”1

This 44-card deck has two types of cards: archetype cards and awareness cards. The archetype cards focus on a single woman, who embodies the energy of the archetype, while the awareness cards are more general guidance about what needs to “be shifted, cleared, or activated in order to increase the flow of abundance in your life. 2

Eaton provides brief guidance on how to use the cards, but she more offers the space for readers to find their own relationship with the deck. She does note she’s a fan of single-card pulls, so I’ve been enjoying doing those regularly for guidance every few days. I’ve gained a lot of insight by pairing the archetype card with an awareness card; I’ll separate the cards into each category and pulling from the respective piles. The combination directs my attention towards a focus while also providing me with the archetype energy I can tap into to become more aware of what come through in my reading.

The guidebook is also divided into two sections for each category of card. You can tell which type of card you’ve pulled based on where the name of the card is located (on the bottom is archetype, and on the top is awareness). The cards are arranged alphabetically, making it easy to navigate.

The guidance for each card is immensely insightful. There’s a few sentences that give a quick description of the card, a longer message, and then a final few sentences to bring it all together. Eaton’s perspective on wealth through a feminine lens focused on alignment, flow, and prosperity gives each message and gentle yet empowering feeling that leaves the readers open to new channels of wealth.

I’ve been trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do for a career because it seems like I’m at an age where I should have it all “figured out”. Up until this point, I’ve always pieced together a living doing multiple jobs: freelance writing and editing, tutoring, astrology and tarot consultations, substitute teaching. I’ve enjoyed my varied lifestyle and the freedom it gives me. But increasingly, I feel a pressure to have a “real job”, a predetermined career path based on the expectations of others who feel I should be seeking more security at this point in my life. The archetype card I pulled for guidance about what my career path should be was The Key Holder. The guidebook reads:

“You, and you alone, hold the key to your own abundance. You do not need to waste your time or energy following the prescribed path that others have laid out. You do not need to look to others to tell you how you should go about calling in the wealth you desire.”3

Then the awareness card I pulled was Receiving Mode. Part of this card’s messages reads as follows:

“The more you are in the receiving mode, the more you consciously choose to become the version of you who receives abundance—including financial abundance. Money flows to you more easily, more quickly, and in greater amounts.”4

This message was so validating! The two cards together gave me confidence to believe in myself and have more faith that the right opportunities will continue to come my way, even if it doesn’t look like a regular 9-5 job, by remaining open to receiving. I don’t need to plan everything out; the opportunities meant for me show up when I am open to receive them.

As for the cards themselves, they’re exquisite. The gold foil on the sides gives them a luminescent shine, and the quality of the cardstock ensures the deck will hold up well during shuffles. Plus, the artwork done by illustrator Stephanie Wicker-Campbell is truly transcendent. The essence of the women on the cards shines through, attuning the reader to their frequency. All the women look like they’re in a state of divine connection. From sacred surrender to embodied confidence, their faith shines through, inspiring the same in the reader.

There’s this beautiful mixture of celestial and earthly energy embodied in the cards too. They are soft colors—lots of tan, pink, and white tones— that invoke a feeling of ease and gentleness. The stars twinkle above, while lush flowers bloom; a sense of grace is present throughout it all.

Overall, The Wealthy Woman Oracle is a must-have for those seeking to open their channels of prosperity and abundance. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be luxurious. This deck contains the financial wisdom that is not taught yet is essential to transform one’s relationship to wealth. This deck is a wonderful first step in cultivating the wealthy woman within through connecting to your soul’s path, strengthening your faith in your personal path to prosperity by following your intuition. I can’t recommend it highly enough!

The Witch’s Way to Wealth, by Jessie DaSilva

The Witch’s Way to Wealth: The Every Witch’s Guide to Making More Money—Faster & Easier Than Ever!, by Jessie DaSilva
Sourcebooks, 1728271762, 448 pages, September 2023

Let’s be honest, these days most of us could you a bit of money mojo. In fact, this is what got me searching the web for a book about improving my personal finances. Thank goodness for the algorithm that knew me well enough to suggest a magical way to do this—The Witch’s Way to Wealth by Jessie DaSilva. Nicknamed The Millennial Money Witch by Forbes, DaSilva is the perfect guide for this journey with her authenticity and honesty paving the way for manifestations to happen in your life too.

“What I’m teaching yo is every aspect of manifesting money with magic—explained with quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology, religion, personal finance, and more.”5

DaSilva beings laying the foundation for this book focusing on the nature of money and sharing the basics of manifestation. Through her antidotes, readers begin to see money as infinite and renewable rather than a scarce resource in limited quantity. She also hones in why manifesting money is different than manifesting other things in life, and she teachers readers how to hone in on what they actually want. She acknowledges the different levels people might be at from never having manifested money to having done it a few times with success and helps to navigate the pitfalls of where you’re at in your journey. She even covers the epigenetic of money beliefs, stemming back to our ancestors and how to overcome these in our genes. And most helpful are her very specific instructions to follow, though one does need to actually do the work to succeed.

But what stands out about this book is that DaSilva doesn’t expect your manifestations to work instantly. She is so open about her own journey, the ups and downs from which she’s gained her wisdom, that she more than anyone knows how things can fall apart. Your manifestations will not always work, and there’s another layer to uncover to figure out what’s going on. And this is what makes DaSilva such a good guide. She’s not writing this book with the assumption that everything will work out perfectly, you’ll hardly have to try, and instantly you’ll be rich.

There’s plenty of work that goes into figuring out the right alignment for yourself. And she encourages readers to actually figure their shit out, so to speak, in order to get in the right frame of mind. For instance, one exercise had to do with looking at our first beliefs about money as children and then again examining our beliefs about money as adolescents. It was interesting to think about what my teenage self felt about money, and how that energy was still contributing to my financial situation now.

Even more fun was doing the interview with my parents recommended by DaSilva with my parents about the financial circumstances I was born into, as she notes that our feelings parent’s about money as we entered this world can impact our money beliefs too. I was quite surprised to learn that they both agreed there was not much money coming in and they ended up living with my mom’s parents for a little bit as my dad get his career going. Well, can you believe 30 years later I find myself in a very similar predicament? If I hadn’t chosen to do this wealth-work and find out about these circumstances, I would never have realized I am unintentionally re-creating a familiar family pattern.

There’s so many ideas in the book, from exercise to shellwork, that readers can piece together their own plan of action. And this is another aspect that I love about this book. DaSilva is not trying to create a one-size-fits-all approach to manifestation, rather she’s providing tools one can use to tailor their own practice. Here’s an excerpt that perfectly captures her methodology and hysterical say-it-like-it-is way of speaking with readers:

“The issue with plans—whether they’re for your finances, diet, exercise, mindset, whatever—is that they cater to a common denominator. It’s about teaching what will work for the most people possible, not everyone. That’s not necessarily what will work for you as an individual…That’s why I’m explaining how you can create your own plan. If you know how to wot build an action plan for yourself, (a) you can feel empowered because you won’t need to rely on someone else’s judgement, and (b) my email won’t get clogged with bitchy witches complaining that my spells don’t work. It’s truly a win-win approach.”6

Another really neat aspect of this book that I appreciated is how DaSilva spends an entire section on teaching readers how to keep the money they manifest. Maybe you’ve met people who alway seem to get lucky and acquire the money they need, yet they continue to have it fly right by out the door with an unexpected bill. As important as bringing money into our lives can be, to truly build wealth, we need to learn to maintain our money once we have it. This is an aspect of money manifestation that I haven’t seen talked about much in other books, let alone have multiple chapters dedicated to focusing on. From overcoming shame to strengthening our nervous system, DaSilva provides practical ways that we can begin to keep the hard earned money, no wait scratch that, easily manifested money we make, once we do the inner work to generate it.

The final section of the book focuses on leveling up one’s money game. And if I’m being honest, I’m not there yet! I’ve been reading this book for months now, actually doing the recommended exercises, reflections, and actions to make a difference. I’m still in the process of mastering my manifestation game, so I haven’t wanted to rush into the final section before I’m ready. But I feel confident that once I get there, DaSilva will continue to provide her wisdom about how to take things to the next level, and in that moment, the next steps will be unlocked.

If you’re ready to turn your magical prowess to manifesting money, The Witch’s Way to Wealth is a must-have resource. Her candid portrayal of the journey of manifestation is so magical yet so real, a living example of how magic is part of our reality and something we can tap into to bring wealth into our life. This has been by far the best book I’ve ever read on manifestation, as it aligns with practices I’ve tried myself and doing the exercises in the book has made a significant differences for my money mindset.

Witchcraft on a Shoestring, by Deborah Blake

Witchcraft on a Shoestring: Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget, by Deborah Blake
Crossed Crow Books,1959883194, 180 pages, March 2024

Calling all thrifty witches, Deborah Blake has some great ideas in Witchcraft on a Shoestring: Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget. It’s easy to feel like we “need” to have all the things for our magical practice to be a success–statues, crystals, wands, attire, essential oils, tarot cards, and more–but this can quickly take a toll on one’s finances. I for one have found myself wanting to do a wealth spell, only to get carried away with acquiring what I thought I needed to make it a success, forgetting in the process of gathering my supplies the intention I was working towards. In this book, Blake reminds us what’s most important in our magical practices and covers the ins-and-outs of how to pursue our craft without going overboard on unnecessary expenses.

“No matter what your budget or how you decide to spend your money, there are no limitation on how well you can practice Witchcraft besides the ones you put on yourself.

You can be a powerful, talented, wise, and warm Witch without spending a penny. And you should never feel that a lack of money is an excuse for being anything less.”7

Blake’s resourcefulness comes through in each chapter. While she assures readers to practice witchcraft one only needs are belief, will, and focus, she also goes in-depth providing ways to lower costs for all the aspects of the craft that can add up to cost money. She starts generally with knowledge, providing ways one can learn more about their spiritual pursuits through books, internet, and local in-person resources, such as events and festivals. What’s extremely helpful for readers is Blake’s own personal recommendation for books on common witchcraft topics (herbs, gemstones, gods and goddesses, sabbats, etc.).

From here, she moves on to the home and sacred space. She offers suggestions for making an affordable altar and how to resource items like statues, candles, and chalices, and more without breaking the bank. She also shares tips for gardening and tending to one’s yard. There’s an entire chapter on inexpensive substitutions that can be made for items commonly used, such as firepits, quarter candles, cauldrons, and witchy garb and jewlery. There’s even specific sites listed that sell reasonably priced items, so you can add these as go-to sources if you are looking to purchase something rather than thrift it or craft it yourself.

For those who do enjoy crafting, the chapter “The Crafty Witch: Thirty-Five Simple and Thrifty Craft Projects for Magical Purposes” is such inspiration. I like to craft my own things because I feel it infuses them with my own energy, and I couldn’t be more excited to do some of the projects Blake suggests! She divides the recipes by material used, which is very useful for those who are partial to a specific medium. For instance under the Clay section, there’s directions for crafting one’s own god and goddess figurines, rune stones, and pentacle plaque, while the Fabric section has directions for a poppet, sachets, and charms. Just to share some more, the Paper section has a spell for parchment paper, creating your own herbal paper, decorating a book of shadows, and DIY tarot cards. There’s tons and tons of ideas for projects one can do using common household items, enhancing their craft without splurging.

My favorite chapter was “Feeding the Masses: Forty-Five Feast Dishes for Less” where Blake shares options for cost-efficient ingredient sourcing to make recipes for each sabbat. She even uses dollar signs ($) to denote the level of expense for each dish. Here are some of the delectable recipes: Tres Leches Pie for Imbolc, Goat Cheese Herbed Spread for Ostara, Strawberry Paradise Cake for Beltane, Yin-Yang Bean Spread for Litha, Morgana’s Tomato Pie for Lammas, Baked Apple Surprise for Mabon, Samhain Devil’s Food Cake, and Rum Cake for Yule. As someone who is ALWAYS looking for new recipes to celebrate with and share with my family and friends, you can bet I’ll be coming back to this book again and again. There’s also recipes for Full Moon Cakes and Ale. What I like about the recipes is that they’re tried and tested by Blake and people in her life; I always trust a hand-me-down recipe!

Blake concludes the book with a chapter on ways one can practice their craft for absolutely free, ranging from kissing and invoking a love god/goddess to volunteering in the spirit of service. These suggestions are little reminders that it’s how we choose to live our life that ultimately shapes our craft, rather than the material possession we buy.

All in all, Witchcraft on a Shoestring is a really fun read for those looking to do more for less. Blake is a wealth of knowledge and her suggestions are sure to help you save a bit of cash whale being reminded what is most important about your practice: your intentions and belief. I’m really looking forward to using this book to get crafty this spring and to bake around the wheel of the year with all the recipes she shares!

For those interested in other works by Blake, she is a prolific writer! Other related book include The Electic Witch’s Book of Shadows, The Little Book of Cat Magic, A Year and a Day of Everyday Witchcraft, The Goddess Is In The Details, and more. She also has published her own tarot and tarot decks:  Everyday Witch’s Familiars Oracle, Everyday Witch Tarot, and Everyday Witch Oracle. But what surprised me the most was she’s also a fiction writer too. Some of her series include A Catskills Pet Rescue Mystery series (three books), Baba Yaga series (three books), and Broken Rider series (three books). You can learn more about her at her website.

Angel Abundance, by Belinda J. Womack

Angel Abundance: Revelations on True Wealth From the 12 Archangels, by Belinda J. Womack
Bear & Company, 159143498X, 272 pages, July 2023

Who doesn’t seek positive abundance? And what better entities to impart knowledge on how to live in abundance than the 12 Archangels? Angel Abundance: Revelations on True Wealth From the 12 Archangels by Belinda J. Womack is a book that came into my life at a time of immense self-questioning. You know, ask and it shall be given. I found myself “listening” intently to the messages from the 12 Archangels that came through Womack. Not only listening, but actually infusing my life and thoughts with the messages they were imparting.

Belinda initiates the reader to the concept of the Central Sun which is “composed of the energy we call love.”8 She writes about how we are living in the “Schoolroom Earth,” where we are learning and also remembering that we are divine beings. The Archangels seek to remind us to shift our vibration to a higher sort by letting go of fear and feelings of lack and unworthiness. All this to transform our lives and to move from suffering.

The Archangels remind the reader that their “words are infused with targeted healing energy that supports you or conscious mind in becoming aware of the negative thought habits giving you the message that you cannot have what you desire.”9 I add the caveat that we are giving what we desire if it is for our higher good because as the Rolling Stones reminded us, you can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need. They also provide us with an affirmative mantra:

“The Central Sun, through my own loving and generous Soul, will never deny me what I desire that is for my greatest good and highest joy.”10

The messages in the book go back to the concept that change works from the inside out. How we think and what we believe supports what happens to us physically, financially, emotionally, and yes, spiritually. Words and thoughts are powerful and the 12 Archangels offer a myriad of ways to shift negative self-talk and thinking to raise our vibration to “lighten up.” 

The messages in the book held my rapt attention. I read it slowly, letting the words of the Archangels act as a soothing balm. The book contains meditations meant to reconnect us to the infinite energy and love of Source. “What would life feel like if you were happy, safe, purposeful, and free?”11 Sign me up.

The Archangels show us ways to become aware of how we are controlled by negative beliefs that come in many different versions and strengths that shape our perceived self-worth. To Source we are all divine beings but in the Schoolroom Earth we tend to forget this. The Archangels show us the way to remembering and also provide us with tools to reconnect. 

They “speak” a lot of old stories we tell ourselves of suffering and unworthiness, of how the ego wants fast results. The meditations reconnect us with the wisdom of the divine child who lives within us, the divine child being our “true essence” who “vibrates at the frequency of undiluted love…”12

“When fear seduces you, say, no thank you, fear. I would rather put my energy into receiving abundance!”13

The 12 Archangels lovingly offer ways for us to conquer doubt, loosen the fear of lack of money, and remove blocks to financial abundance. It’s important, however, to follow their prompts, to do the exercises, and take time for the meditations. Why are we accepting less than what Source is offering to us? How do we lose negative familial patterns around money? 

As one who began reading this book at a time of self-questioning, I felt the wrap of angelic love around me as I read.

“Your Helpers in Heaven encourage you to practice letting go of questioning whether your train has been on the tracks or off the tracks for any part of life. Even when your train is derailed or parks itself for longer than you may like at the train depot, Soul is evolving through you.”14

The Archangels ask us to look at how we are earning our money and how we define wealth. Are we happy with the way we earn money? Are we using our unique talents (and yes, we all have unique talents) to bring forth our creativity in ways that support our growth and that of those around us? Are we living our purpose?

They work to help us with healing balance, to help us realize and then bring forth our unique purpose of being in the Schoolroom Earth. I loved that the book imparted ways for us to receive our wealth, create new financial realities, move from suffering, and transform. There are healing experiences imparted through meditations to help us rest, rejuvenate, and receive. 

I highly recommend Angel Abundance. Womack did an amazing job of imparting to us the love and wisdom of the 12 Archangels. The words were soothing but they also captured my rapt attention. I felt the loving support behind each and every word that I read. I truly believed that my highest good was at the forefront of what the Archangels were imparting. Who could ask for more? Ask – and receive. Amazing.

8 Tarot Cards To Improve Your Finances

Money and mysticism go hand in hand, although sometimes in a dispirited mindset we forget that. At its core, the flow of money is the flow of energy. What better tool to tap into this current than tarot cards? Not only can you get to the root of money block, you can also manifest sacred abundance by getting acquainted with the energies at play in your financial life. By calling in certain archetypal energies, you begin to align yourself with their unique wisdom and create this resonance into your own life. Here’s a list of 8 (power number in numerology!) tarot cards that you can work with to enhance your financial situation.

Discover your creativity with the Knight of Wands

The number one block to creativity is thinking things need to be done “a certain way” or you must be a professional in order to truly make art. This is a bunch of hocus locus and calling on the energy of the Knight of Wands can bring you the reckless abandonment needed to overcome the blocks of “I’m not enough” to rediscover your passion. When you are humming with the vibrancy of creative possibilities and singing the tune of the ever expansive universe, you naturally draw to you opportunities that are spiritually abundant. The material realm follows the cues of the spiritual realm and awakening your creativity it the quickest way to release stagnant energy and put you back in creative control of the masterpiece that is your life.

Strengthen your financial discipline with the Emperor

The next step your path to money success is to strength your financial discipline, and who better to help out than the regal, rule-regulating emperor to form those boundaries? Calling on the energy of the Emperor makes you think twice about “only spending $20..” to make more frugal choices. The best way to draw on the will power of the Emperor is to keep this card some place where you’ll see it daily. Perhaps on an dress in your room, the coffee table in the living room, or even the background of your phone. His stern gaze will quickly remind you of you task of redirecting your money flow into meaningful savings and investments.

Contemplate savings and investments with the 8 of Pentacles

One you’ve reigned in your spending habits a bit, it’s time to start thinking long-term. The 8 of Pentacles invites in the patience and dedication needed to establish long-term financial security. It’s tough when you’re in the prime of life to be thinking about retirement. You might be wondering if you’re career is even on track enough in this moment to ever see a day where you can enjoy the laurels of your success. And in reality, this is up to you and the work you do now. Connecting with the 8 of Pentacles awakens your ability to see the big picture and begin creating long-term grown and security for yourself. Whether your taking an investment class, researching retirement funds, or planning stock options, keep the 8 of Pentacles nearby to help you develop your financial expertise, avoid get-rich-quick methods, and honor your process of wealth building.

Stop self-sabotaging with the 8 of Swords

Now that you’ve really started to invest in yourself, it’s time do the shadow-work of uncovering those pesky financial habits that keep stagnating your growth. There’s no better card to get an honest awakening about your self-sabotaging behaviors than the 8 of Swords. This card holds the energy of your blindspots that keep you in misery, in which only you can free yourself from by using your wisdom to cut the ropes that bind you. Light a candle, get your paper and pen, have the 8 of Swords in front of you, and do an honesty check with yourself. Remember self-care is always essential when luring in our dark places, so be easy on yourself and know we all have our financial flaws.

Liberate your money beliefs with the Ace of Swords

Once you’ve seen the sticky beliefs you have that might be keep you from standing your full financial power, it’s time to do a money belief make-over with the Ace of Swords. Calling on this sharp energy helps you to develop a fresh perspective as you begin putting your new insights into action. Drawing on the energy of this card assists you in getting your mind right and comprehending the numbers to get your figures straight. This burst of energy connects you to your Higher Self and opens doors to new possibilities. You ARE making the right decisions and your breakthroughs are proof.

Find a new source of income with the 10 of Pentacles

Diverse streams of income is the key to financial security. Whether you have your stable career or already work multiple jobs. the 10 of Pentacles calls in new income sources for you. While it might not be the mega-millions, the energy of the 10 of Pentacles is sure to lead you to a community of people where you will thrive, be seen for what you have to offer, and appreciate the contribution you make. Not being in sync with the people you work with can be a huge energy drain and calling on this card will do the opposite and lead you to an exuberance of energy because you’re mingling with people who uplift and inspire you. Never underestimate the power of networking in finding your dream job – social capital!! Working with the energy of this card also helps you to discover unique ways you can contribute to your community in order to make a bit of side money.

Learn to follow your soul’s path with the High Priestess

The Universe wants you to succeed, and often in ways that are beyond what you can even imagine. At times, you might feel stuck in a position that is crush your spirit but paying the bills. This isn’t how you’re meant to live your life and abundance may allude you until you finally surrender to the intuition of your soul. Signs the way you make money are out of alignment are feeling drained, depressed, frustrated on a daily basis. You may compensate for these feelings through addictive behaviors or over-consumption of food, material goods, and alcohol. The High Priestess card brings you attention back inward to discover the one of a kind path of your spirit. As you begin to take the time to listen to your inner voice and make baby steps towards the intuitive hunches you receive, you’ll notice a chain of synchronistic events lining up to guides you to your next phase of financial evolution. Whenever you’re feeling lost, you can always come back to the gentle guidance of the High Priestess and reconnect to your inner knowing.

Embrace gratitude for your abundant lifestyle with the Queen of Pentacles

You’ve successfully turned your financial situation around now and it’s time to express your gratitude through the Queen of Pentacles. Seeing this archetype as yourself, you are reflected with gratefulness your spirit feels for taking this journey in the material plane. Inviting the energy of the Queen of Pentacles into your life shows that you’re serious about maintaining the financial shifts you’ve made, open to receiving many material blessings, and sharing them with others too. This card is symbolic of having gotten yourself into a position of overflowing abundance that now lets you help others. To bring this cycle full circle, donate to a cause or charity that is meaningful to you. This act of goodwill demonstrates your gratitude for the fortune you’ve created and also the ever-flowing movement of money that wants to go forward and help the next person. You’ve opened your channels and are now in tune with this flow, which grants you the ability to offer security to others, gratitude for the support, and abundance to appreciate.