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Tag Archives: new age

Starlight Frequencies Oracle, by Leah Shoman

Starlight Frequencies Oracle: The Knowledge You Seek is Seeking You, by Leah Shoman
Sacred Scribe Publishing, 0646846094, 44 cards, 60 pages, February 2024

Are you feeling the shift in your life? As many begin to awaken to new frequencies and dimensions, it can be immensely helpful to lean into cosmic assistance. Starlight Frequencies Oracle: The Knowledge You Seek is Seeking You by Leah Shoman is a deck designed to bridge the current reality with the New World being formed, leading the way towards 5D consciousness with love rather than fear.

“This time is powerful. The veil between fear and the truth is thin and you are being called to be the seeker. You are the being called to cut through this veil and illuminate your light upon the shadows.”1

Creator Leah Shoman is a spiritual writer and tarot and oracle deck creator. Other works of hers include Wild Lands Tarot, Crystal Rituals by the Moon, and Divine Codes Oracle. She also recently launched Sacred Scribe Publishing which publishes items that open doors of consciousness, leading the collective to new levels of spiritual exploration and visionary prowess.

This deck is unique because readers are intended to “interpret and decipher the transmissions for yourself.”2 Shoman describes how these cards were downloaded directly from Source, containing multi-layered light codes within each one that will make themselves known when the timing is right. All the aspects of the card, from title to color to number have specific intentions embedded within, and each reader’s experience will be different, based upon what it is their soul is meant to receive at the time of the reading.

I will admit, this threw me for a loop at first. Not to say I’m a huge guidebook person–I like to follow my own intuitive guidance when it comes to readings–but the limited framework of each card made them a bit of a mystery to me at first. While there is a sentence or two written on each card, which is exactly what it says in the guidebook too, there’s no fast and easy answers with this deck. You really need to spend some time connecting with the card, taking in the imagery and reflecting on the brief message being revealed.

What stands out the most is the visual aesthetics, making it a more meditative deck for me, where one must open up to receive the messages from a higher channel. The box is nice and sturdy with a magnetic latch that keeps the cards nice and secure. The words on the box are written a glistening, silver foil that gives the deck a lot of shimmer and shine. Opening the deck, readers are greeted with the message “Now child, crack open & awaken” on the box’s inside cover, while the bottom of the box is an image of a gorgeous swirling galaxy, filled with hues of pinks, purples, and blues.

The cards are likewise edged with silver foil, as well as the foil creating shining stars on the back of the cards, giving the deck itself an iridescent feel. The imagery on the cards is an eclectic mix of collage. The imagery woven into the cards ranges from Egyptian pyramids to rose buds and doves. It’s a mixture of spiritual symbolism and nature imagery (crystals, shells, flowers, etc.), though these too have their own meanings to convey, which make each card filled with messages to decode. 

There’s a real mystical feel to the deck, combining the cosmic world with the natural world. Rainbows flow through mountains while the cosmos glistens in the background; a white rose blossoms in the mind of a star-filled silhouetted figure with rings around their head, similar to an atom or halo – it’s up to decode what you see and find meaning for it yourself!

My two favorite cards are Expansive Growth (08) and Illumination (24). Expansive Growth features snakes slithering around a ceramic vessel filled with flowers with an infinity symbol on it. The background reminds me of the natural rock arches in Utah, though the scene on the card looks very other-worldly. The message “You are experiencing an infinite loop of expansion.”3 makes me think about how we are always evolving, yet there’s a cyclical nature to our growth.

The card Illumination features a huge orange slice in the sky above a glistening body of water. The orange slice has yellow flowers surrounding it, giving the appearance of a radiant sun. The pop of bright color gives me a wave of hopefulness and inspiration; I can imagine the refreshing tangy taste of the orange on the card, awakening my senses as I gaze at it. The message on the cared, “Shine your light upon those who cannot see.”4 feels empowering, invoking overflowing positive feelings.

These are just my interpretations, of course! Readers will find their own secret message within the imagery on the cards. Shoman’s artistic eye for details makes this deck an on-going exploration for seekers, as there’s always a new dimension to be discovered. The ethereal nature of this deck breaks through stagnant patterns, serving as a channel for Source to come through and make necessary alignments.

Overall, I recommend Starlight Frequencies Oracle for those who are looking to expand their intuitive connection and attune themselves to new realms of consciousness. Creativity naturally awakens from working with deck, opening doors of perception to new realms. Shoman’s work is a perfect mixture of guiding readers in seeking higher knowledge for growth while holding space for them to go deeper and see the beauty hidden within.

Revelations from the Source, by Barbara Hand Clow

Revelations from the Source, by Barbara Hand Clow
Bear & Company, 1591434319, 352 pages, October 2021

It started with Revelations of the Ruby Crystal (2015), then came Revelations of the Aquarius Age (2018). Now, at long last, Barbara Hand Clow has completed the trilogy with the most recent book Revelations from the Source (2021). I have eagerly been anticipating this latest release after having grown quite fond of the tight-knit community of characters in this series. All my hopes and expectations were exceeded in this dynamic final book, which expertly weaves together multi-dimensional layers of information, inspiring revelations, and reconsideration of how things truly are in the world.

Before diving into things, while this book can be read as a stand-alone, I highly recommend reading the first two books before this one. Clow doesn’t spend too much time introducing the characters in this final book, and the few sentences to summarize the characters’ relationships for those who aren’t familiar hardly does justice to the complexity of their bonds. Plus, the characters have naturally evolved, and therefore their current circumstances in this book are directly related to the previous ones.

This being said, Revelations from the Source was a thrilling read because it has an up-to-date timeline of current events. While not every event in the book happened in real life, the story intends to parallel current events. From the election of Pope Francis, the first Jesuit to hold the position, to political tensions in Iran and the presidency of Donald Trump, all the way up to the COVID-19 pandemic, the book focuses on the characters’ experiences of events.

As I read, I was reflecting on having lived through these experiences, many not too long ago, with a new sense of perspective, as well as room to integrate what I was feeling as I moved through them. This is because all of the characters in the story are very tapped into the zeitgeist, all from their own point of view, such as a psychotherapist working with clients’ processing to an artist capturing energetic transmissions of sound in painting to awaken the masses. Another character is a reporter, who previously covered events in the Middle East but is now a correspondent for a newspaper reporting on the happenings in the Vatican.

My favorite character point of view is Claudia, esteemed fashion-designer and astrologer. Since I am an astrologer myself, I could remember all the full moons and conjunctions described, during which characters perform initiations or simply muse about the world. I especially recall the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in 2020, which was a significant moment in the book as well, as the characters work together to perform a ritual uniting the nine dimensions. I think those prone to reflecting on the placement of the stars, as well as the tumultuous events of the past few years would have a lot to gain from reading the insights of the characters in Revelations from the Source.

Clow’s astrological background is effortlessly integrated into the fictional narrative of this story. For instance, there is a lot of discussion about the nine different dimensions, with certain characters having more of a connection to each one. Clow previously authored the book The Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions, which I’m sure this story’s plot is based on. I’m always a fan of reading fictional stories where I can relate to a character’s feelings, thoughts, and experience, rather than just a non-fictional explanation of some phenomena. And it’s for this reason that I enjoyed this book so thoroughly. Other topics that Clow has woven in from her previous books include Mayan Codes (The Mayan Code), energetic influence of Chiron (Chiron), connections to other star systems (The Pleiadian Agenda), and lots of raising sexual energy as a form of altering consciousness (Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini)!

However, Clow doesn’t hesitate to venture into some of the deepest, darkest shadows in our culture as well. At times, it was hard to stomach parts of the story, especially the sexual abuse of priests on young children, which is a prominent theme in the entire series. This book really covers a lot of the energetic forces of the Catholic Church, as well as how the energy of youths has been inappropriately harvested for power, money, and prestige. Once again, while the story is fiction, it mentions events that really happened such as the Boston Globe story which revealed the extent of abuse and cover-up in the Catholic Church.

Quite a few characters leave the Church, and by the end of it, I felt more confident in my resolve to do so as well. I was born and raised in the Catholic faith, even attending a Catholic university for my undergraduate studies. However I am increasingly finding it hard to find faith in a religion that does not value the spiritual authority of women and is rife with abuse and misconduct. The characters’ journeys were really empowering in my own spiritual path, making me see that I could follow their lead, rather than continue to go along with the corruption that has taken hold in the Catholic religious community. There’s so much history packed in the story, as another character is a scholar of early-Christianity, that I was constantly Googling new topic ideas, such as “Marconi” and “Mithraism.”

Other controversial topics include climate change, vaccinations, 5G towers, and the public-safety response to the pandemic. I will admit, sometimes the beliefs did feel a bit “conspiracy theory-esqe,” but I kept an open mind without discrediting anything. I was especially intrigued by the explanation for the coronavirus springing to life when it did, which had to do with telluric interference. Now that is a thought that has never crossed my mind!

At its heart, Revelations from the Source is a tale of the characters’ awakening into the Age of Aquarius. Due to their reputable, affluent, and influential families, the characters in the story are keepers of secret history, serving as a bridge between past and present. In this way, they serve as foils to modern society, clearly showing where humanity has veered off course, thus resulting in evil forces being unleashed through social strife, political controversy, intimate violence, and looming threats of war.

Clow clearly shows through the plot that the transition isn’t an easy one, and there are many forces at work during this tumultuous time. However, with the right perspective, and tools (art, past-life regressions, astrology, writing), humanity will be able to pull through. What’s most important is that we remember the importance of connection, building trust, and working together to overcome the destructive forces both within ourselves and the world at large.

The story’s theme of friendship and community is a prompt for the reader to find their own community to assist during this changing of ages. And most of all, for readers to continue to do their own investigations and express their revelations with a broader community. In this age where the people have the power and the power is the people, increasing our ability to transmit thoughts, energies, and feelings effectively will be a key to survival.

Overall, I am immensely satisfied with the culmination of this trilogy. Revelations from the Source is a treasure-trove of alternative ideas woven perfectly into the seemingly-static fabric of our 3-D reality. Filled with history, ancient and secret knowledge, as well as esoteric understandings of humanity’s place within the greater star systems, this book will bring you into new realms of realization. By delving into the defilement and debasement of some of society’s most corrupt institutions, the truth is exposed. Something we will be seeing more of as the Age of Aquarius dawns.

I highly recommend not only this book, but this entire series, for those looking for a fascinating read that delves into many dimensions, facets of history, and opens a doorway to a future unlike what we’ve known thus far. The writing is engaging, and the characters will soon feel like an extended friend group (I certainly wish I could call on them for advice!). More and more, those awakening to the shifts will be looking for answers, and while it’s fictional, this book is sure to be the key that unlocks readers’ perception.

Exploring Other Lifetimes, by Patty Paul

Exploring Other Lifetimes: Memoir of a Soul’s Journey, by Patty Paul
IMDEX Publishing, 0964272601, 174 Pages, June 2021

Do you believe in past lives and that the present can be impacted by the experiences you had in previous incarnations? I personally do, especially after some impactful regression sessions I’ve had that provided a lot of insight into my current attitudes, feelings, and beliefs. In Exploring Other Lifetimes: Memoir of a Soul’s Journey, Patty Paul shares her spiritual awakening through the exploration of past lives. Reading her story has reaffirmed many spiritual truths in my life, and it also has awoken me to new dimensions of the spiritual realm that I had previously not known much about. From start to finish, I was drawn into her honest, heartfelt account of the power of uncovering our past lives for personal growth, healing, and enlightenment.

Patty Paul, who acknowledges that this is only her currently incarnated self, has been exploring and teaching about spiritual growth for decades. She has authored another book titled A New Spirituality: Beyond Religion, and she also hosted a TV talk show called Living Wisdom for ten years. You can see really neat episodes of her interviewing well-known channeled beings on her YouTube channel. (For those who are new to channeling, I would highly recommend watching some of her videos to see how the process works!)

What I like most about this book is the way that Patty weaves together all her lifetimes to clearly present them in memoir style. She believes not only are these past lives impacting present events, but that they are also taking place simultaneously in a multi-dimensional reality. Through her experiences, she’s been able to unveil quite a bit of information about current circumstances by traveling to her past lifetimes through meditation and also working with channeled beings.

Throughout the book she mentions certain techniques she uses, such as blending, to merge her energy with that of the person in the past life experience. She has been both male and female in different lives, and some of her incarnations date back to prehistoric times and even Atlantis and Lumeria. Now I realize when these places are brought up, many quickly dismiss their existence as New-Age propaganda. However, I was immensely impressed by Patty’s rejection of many New-Age idealism, which makes me feel her work is grounded in some deeper and more authentic.

I have always kept an open mind about the existence of these places, and to be honest, am more inclined to accept them on a spiritual level than an ideological one. What I mean by this is that I am not as convinced by those who have mapped out exactly where they were placed and the exact purpose of these places, but I did find Patty’s descriptions of her incarnation in these places to be testimony to their existence on some level of reality, at some point in the time/space continuum.

In fact, I very much enjoyed learning more about Lemuria and Atlantis through Patty’s stories of different incarnations. Quite a few of her past lives highlight how Atlantis lost the balance between masculine and feminine polarities, becoming too hyper-focused on technological advancement and exterminating “undesirable” people who did not fit the status quo. The destruction of Atlantis sadly made me reflect on our current time in history, where it seems as though many of the lessons are repeating themselves.

On that topic, overcoming or altering lessons repeating themselves seems to be one of the greatest benefits of engaging in exploration of one’s past lives. In one section, “Ties That Bind — Lifetimes Related to Present-Life Events,” Patty describes five different lifetimes where the events were influencing her life trajectory in this incarnation. By remembering these lifetimes, she was able to access a new perception of her reality in the present, and regain more conscious control of current events.

In some of the lives, she even benefited from going back to the time of death for these former incarnations. One time she held her former self in love and peace as they passed, and this helped to unblock energy in her current life. In another lifetime, she needed to figure out the last dying thought of her former incarnation that was presently impacting her current life. By doing this work, Patty’s current life always shifted for the better as her sense of self expanded to incorporate these new dimensions of her spiritual being. Reading all her stories, which are filled with emotion and historical information, really inspired me to be more proactive about discovering my own past lives.

It was touching to read about Patty’s five key foundational lifetimes, which were described in the first section of the book. For each lifetime, she told the story of her experience and shared the key takeaways, both positive and negative. I found this method of sharing to be very impactful; it really helped me to see how understanding these lifetimes can make a huge difference to allow someone to move through life with a more expansive awareness of the dynamic in play.

Room Decoration in Purple and Gray, by Agnes Pelton, 1917

I found Patty’s story so immensely profound because I enjoy storytelling as a form of learning and sharing wisdom and also deeply respect those who share their wisdom, especially when it’s not very “mainstream.” I particularly was fascinated by her lifetime as a little girl named Maya, dating back to 37,200 BC. This one really touched my heart and seemed to awaken me to the purpose all lives have and also the connection we share with nature.

I also very much enjoyed the section titled, “Loves, Lost and Found — Completing Stories,” where Patty discusses the romantic relationship she’s had in this lifetime in which she and the man also had former lives together. It was so interesting to hear these stories, and it gave me faith that love is never lost and can travel through time, allowing people to meet time and time again. Patty also had a connection to artist Agnes Pelton, a painter who strived to capture the spiritual world in her transcendental paintings. Reading the story of how Patty remembered her connection to Agnes was synchronicity and a very beautiful story.

Throughout the book, Patty is candid in her personal struggles, from resorting to alcohol at one point to struggles with her daughter who suffers from mental health problems. Her honesty paved the way for trust for me as the reader, as well as allowed me to see the genuine desire of Patty to share this information not for personal gain, but to simply share the wisdom she’s learned through her current lifetime.

In the final section, Patty describes lifetimes where she had mastered her spiritual wisdom and the events in that incarnation reflected this. One lifetime that really stood out to me was when she was Crystal Temple Priest in Atlantis. Reading about the crystal grids that powered Atlantis was super interesting. Her stories affirmed for me that we do learn and grow spiritually with each lifetime, and there will be opportunities to live the wisdom we’ve developed through different incarnations.

Overall, I really loved Exploring Other Lifetimes. It inspired me to incorporate more regression, meditation, and perhaps even channeling into my spiritual journey. I believe wisdom is meant to be shared, which Patty has done with skill and grace in service to a higher good. Leading by example, Patty invites us too to explore other lifetimes to better navigate the present reality. Her story, and the stories of all her former incarnations, are ones that will be with you for quite a while on your journey, calling you too to come and discover the greater journey of your soul.