Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, by Nicci Roscoe
CICO Books, 9781800651920, 144 pages, February 2023
What if you could create the life of your dreams? For many of us this can seem out of reach, but in Manifest Your Everything: Love yourself and create your dream life, Nicci Roscoe assures us that with the right mindset we can change our lives to match our dreams. This colorful, creative book teaches the three steps needed for manifestation discovered by Roscoe and provides tons of exercises to put these steps into action.
In the introduction, Roscoe shares how she overcame the pain of healing a brain tumor, which involved risky surgery, through focusing on her positive intent for recovery. Soon she learned that when positivity is coupled with self-love and one is dedicated to making the changes needed for new beginnings, then manifestation naturally happens. To help guide readers through this process for themselves, Roscoe starts at step one, letting go, and teaches readers through empowering exercises how to call in the manifestation they desire.

Roscoe provides the much-needed reminder that we must love ourselves to make changes to our life, otherwise we’ll most likely stay stuck in outdated beliefs and negative thought patterns. In the first part of Roscoe’s manifestation process, the goal is to help readers to accept their challenging emotions, rediscover their confidence and self-worth, and set appropriate boundaries. She also emphasizes the importance of forgiving oneself and others and cultivating inner peace.
Some of the tools shared in this section are meditation, working with crystals, connecting to nature, energetic cleansing, and rituals for release and protection. Each exercise has step by step instructions to make it easy to learn and practice. There’s also space to write directly in the book, which is very helpful for organizing your manifestation process and staying focused.
The next section is a deep dive into cultivating self love by focusing on your best qualities, nurturing yourself, and celebrating your authenticity. Roscoe includes a ton of fun ways to care for one’s well-being, including affirmations, using pendulums to discover what’s needed for one’s self care, rebalancing chakras, and using essential oils for aromatherapy.
My favorite part of this section was how she also mixes in using crystals with each of the self-love exercises, including a whole section on how crystals can be added to baths to bring in certain energy. For instance she shares the recipe for a Tiger’s Eye Bath for Courage and a Citrine Crystal Bath for a Fresh Start. I would have never thought to use crystals in this way, but I definitely felt an energy shift in the water when I tried it out!

After having mastered self-love, readers are encouraged to begin their manifestation process with gratitude and prayer. Roscoe shares tips and exercises for reframing negative thoughts and beliefs to make them into potent positive energy. And once the reader is in the right state of mind, Roscoe shares all her methods of manifestation, ranging from vision boards to wish jars to crystal grids to musician motivation. There’s definitely at least one way that will resonate, and most likely, quite a few you’ll want to try out!
Then to ensure the manifestation process stays flowing, Roscoe teaches the reader how to maintain their vision as it comes into fruition. She offers a checklist of questions to make sure the reader is keeping the course and encourages them to focus on their physical, mental, emotional,and spiritual well-being. By implementing Roscoe’s suggestions, actions that support manifestation can easily become part of one’s daily routine.
Before I started reading, I didn’t realize there were so many self-doubting thoughts in my head or that I was running on autopilot most of the time. I appreciated the many tips that Roscoe included for waking up the body too, such as spending time in nature, dancing, eating mindfully, and exercise. These embodiments seemed to physically bring about the changes of my manifestation, grounding it in reality.

And what are some of the things Roscoe provides instructions to manifest? Your dream home, car, job, vacation, confidence, creativity, and more! Even if what you’re seeking to create doesn’t have a specific exercise in the book, Roscoe’s step by step process will guide you through your manifestation process. There’s plenty of room to mix and match exercise to find a method that works best for you.
What I liked most in the book were the testimonies of clients Roscoe has worked with. I enjoyed reading other people’s success stories because it bolstered my confidence that these practices work and I also could benefit from them. I also loved the layout of the book and how there were tons of visuals, charts, fill in the blank spaces, and colors! Each page was captivating to look at and made reading much more exciting.
If I had to describe Manifest Your Everything in a few words, I would say “good vibes.” You can’t help but feel uplifted as you move through this book, releasing doubts and fears to attune to love, confidence, and inspiration. While there’s plenty of effort required to shift your mindset and create space for your manifestations to materialize, Roscoe has made the process easy and fun to implement.
All in all, Manifest Your Everything teaches everything you need to know to bring your vision into reality. All the tips and techniques Roscoe offers are easy to incorporate in your day to day life, though this is sure to start shifting as your dreams become reality. Her focus on self-love and positive thinking will guide you to cultivate an upbeat perspective that opens new doorways of possibilities.

Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and pioneer spirit that loves to explore life through the lens of depth psychology. She has a passion for studying the humanities and social trends. Her academic work is centered upon reuniting body, mind, and spirit through eco-psychology. She loves reading, spending time in nature, and travel.