Guardian Angels by Jacky Newcomb is perfect for anyone who is interested in fostering a better relationship with their own angel.

Guardian Angels by Jacky Newcomb is perfect for anyone who is interested in fostering a better relationship with their own angel.
The Persistence of the Soul by Mark Ireland is great for anyone who is interested in mediumship or after-death communication.
Secrets of Santa Muerte: A Guide to the Prayers, Spells, Rituals, and Hexes by Cressida Stone is a comprehensive guide to working with the skeleton saint.
Douglas Charles Hodgson highlights experiences from people who have had NDEs in Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil.
I was eager to see the messages Guardian Angel Oracle by Debbie Malone and illustrated by Amalia I. Chitulescu held for me.
In Spirit Speaker: A Medium’s Guide to Death and Dying, Salicrow combines what she has learned from over three decades of working with the dying with personal stories from her own family.
Interview with Katrina Townsend about the upcoming release of Anti-Consumerist Druid: How I Beat My Shopping Addiction Through Connection With Nature.
I highly recommend Brigid’s Light, edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella, both as a way to get to know the multi-faceted Brigid and for the ways that you can invite her to walk life’s path with you.
Hoodoo Justice Magic by Miss Aida has a spell for just about every defensive, protective, and vengeful aim one might want to pursue.
In Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology, Edward Bruce Bynum draws upon a myriad of research to shine a light on this repressed African consciousness within us all.