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Author Archives: Sarrah October Young

About Sarrah October Young

Sarrah October Young is a writer and practising witch who wished she could do stand-up comedy. When she isn't writing or witching, she can be found posting about her cats on IG @therealoctober.

Decode Tarot, by Debra Zachau

Decode Tarot: Master Meanings, Reversals, and Combinations, by Debra Zachau
REDFeather, 0764368060, 176 pages, September 2024

Mastering the art of reading tarot cards is not an easy task. While there are tons of books published on the subject, many present contrasting definitions with respect to the symbolism behind each card as well as differing methods of learning the meaning of each individual card. With so much out there, it can be very difficult to navigate the process of learning.

A spiritual teacher, author, and speaker who has read cards for over 10,000 people, Debra Zachau is well positioned to impart her knowledge on how to master the cards and their meanings including reversals. Her book Decode Tarot: Master Meanings, Reversals, and Combinations is incredibly insightful and takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery using tarot.

As a tarot reader, I am constantly reading books about the topic to gain more insight into the cards and their meanings. It’s fascinating to see how many different interpretations and re-imaginings of the cards there are. And while most of the information pertaining to this divination system is similar, none of it is boring! With separate chapters for each individual card, Zachau has imparted a deep understanding of the cards and how they interact with one another.

The table of contents is robust, with chapters on suits and their personalities, the minor arcana, and separate sections for the court cards and the major arcana. The sectioning in this fashion makes sense to me, as most people when starting out get caught up in the sheer number of cards they think they need to memorize. Using basic language, Zachau imparts her knowledge in a friendly, easy-to-read way that makes the reader feel as though they are sitting at a table chatting, mug of tea in hand. Very comforting when you think about how many cards there are in a tarot deck!

For each card, Zachau presents a basic description of the card as well as possible meanings when paired with other cards. She uses a variety of suits and cards to illustrate the snippets of stories that the cards tell when doing a reading for yourself or another person. For example, Zachau pairs the 9 of Wands with the 10 of Wands to show that, “…it looks like you are fighting to keep doing more for others. This is a very unbalanced situation…the responsibilities to keep the family going fall to their partner.”1

I am really impressed with the way Zachau handled the court cards in “Part Two: Master the Courts” section of the book. Normally the bane of tarot readers, Zachau has managed to sidestep the traditional definition of these cards and instead insert her own, resulting in a much clearer idea of the energies these cards are meant to represent. The traditional method shows Kings and Queens as men and women over the age of 40, respectively. Knights are usually men or women between 18-39, and Pages are dependent children under the age of 18. Also, don’t come after me for these descriptions as they are older than me and I didn’t make them up.

Zachau instead assesses Kings and Queens as older than whoever she is reading for. She explains, “I throw away the 40-year-old rules and read these patriarchs and matriarchs as men and women who have some sort of authority or title over my client”2. Hearing the cards explained in that way makes so much more sense than the traditional description which is often a barrier to working out the meaning in a reading. She continues:

“I read Knights in the spread as peers, coworkers, friends, and siblings, regardless of gender and age. The suit traits will identify their personality…will give an idea as to how they relate to your client’s life. Pages are dependent people, whether they are under 18 of age (sic) or an adult, with limited capacity to support themselves…I have discovered that often, overly insecure or immature partners will come through a reading as a Page as well.”3

Personally, this chapter was a lightning bolt for me. While not a novice reader, I have at times struggled with court cards in readings I have done, and this clear explanation resonates with me. I have done work around linking specific court cards to various energies they represent, and this was a good addition to what I have already puzzled out for myself. Zachau provides a list of people and characters she equates to the various suits, which is also very helpful, and goes deep into the suits in the context of the court cards and what they represent.

The section concerning the Major Arcana cards is robust and well laid out, with hefty descriptions and explanations of each card along with specific pairing with other cards in the deck. Not surprising, there is over a full page devoted entirely to the Tower card, one of the most unwelcome cards in any deck. I love Zachau description of this card:

“…I have discovered that most readings containing the Tower show that my client has an intense desire to control a situation that isn’t supposed to be manifested, and a change in perspective now, at the time of the reading, can offset harsher life lessons down the way.”4

A great way to express the energy of this card and one I will remember for my own readings.

If you read tarot or are interested in the subject or know someone who is, pick up Decode Tarot. It’s a great way to see how the cards speak to each other and gain a full understanding of why this modality is so popular and timeless.

The Poison Path Grimoire, by Coby Michael

The Poison Path Grimoire: Dark Herbalism, Poison Magic, and Baneful Allies, by Coby Michael
Destiny Books, 978-1644119952, 240 pages, November 2024

One of the most time-worn conversations in magic is the debate between light and dark magic. Which is stronger? Which extracts the higher price for knowledge or skill, and how might one get started on either path? While this book doesn’t answer any of those questions, it does provide unique insight into the idea of intentional knowledge gathering, which might prove to be helpful in determining which is the right path to follow.

As an occult herbalist and magical practitioner who teaches about the ritual use of poisonous and psychoactive plants, Coby Michael is well positioned to opine about the topic in his book The Poison Path Grimoire: Dark Herbalism, Poison Magic, and Baneful Allies. While one could certainly dive into this book and gain knowledge of the darker side of herbalism, my recommendation would be to pick up and read his first book, The Poison Path Herbal, prior to doing any work with this one. Trust me on this. Having said that, it isn’t a requirement to have read anything prior to delving into this tome; I personally feel that the reader would benefit from having both books.

The book is sectioned into various topics that deal with areas such as the context of poison, the variety of paths in this practice, and much more. It’s hard to choose one area to explore as it’s all fascinating; however, the section I was drawn to dealt with botanical allies. Here we are introduced to numerous herbs that “offers a compilation of some of my favorite baneful plant allies to work with”3, Michael explains. He goes on to provide some context for the plants, stating that “not all of them are harmful or adversarial or thorny”4 and that each exhibit some quality of ‘otherness’ which is not limited to plants that are poisonous, but also apply to most of the natural world.

Great care is taken to showcase details regarding each herb and plant listed in this section. Michael is careful to provide thorough information regarding uses and associations. For example, in the section for aconite, Michael goes into detail about how it was associated with the Goddess Hecate, and how to safely work with it today. He also describes other uses for the herb, both medicinal and spiritual in the context of spell craft or warding. It’s fascinating to read about how this specific plant was cultivated by monks and used for their everyday remedies as well as recognizing the connection through Hecate. 

Like all plant and herbology books, this one also comes with a stern warning. If you’ve ever partaken of plant medicine or related ceremonies outside of the common usages, you most likely have been given a variation of this warning. I personally have not ever participated in plant ceremonial magic, and the caution Michael gives is a sobering one meant to dissuade those who would use the information in this book for anything other than what it was intended for: personal enlightenment.

Michael cautions the reader, saying:

“Poisonous and psychoactive plants can open us up to very primal and sometimes ambivalent forces. This is why it’s important to work with these plants in a ritual setting with a clear intention and clear boundaries. Disrespecting this boundary and working with these plants recreationally once you have entered into spiritual relationships with them can spell trouble.”5

This makes sense on many levels, as one thing people are told prior to taking plant medicine is that they need to have clear intentions as to why they are partaking. Having a clear ‘why’ provides a much more balanced experience. Michael says, “our experiences with these plant allies are often very powerful, sometime traumatic, and in the end cathartic if properly processed. If left in an unprocessed state, however, these experiences can lead to mental and spiritual disturbances.”6

Interestingly, there is also another caution in this section, this one against using the book too frequently. It is recommended that practitioners of the poison path should observe cleansing rituals and work with healing herbs to balance their work with the other. Michael includes a selection of herbs he uses to counteract the aftereffects of the herbs used in his own practice. He recommends brewing a nourishing tea after working with baneful allies, as it’s a wonderful way to reconnect after doing the work.

The information in The Poison Path Grimoire is beyond useful and a must for anyone interested in baneful herbs and how to incorporate their uses into personal practice. It’s a magical book filled with dark herbalism, left-hand-path philosophy, shadow work, and spellcraft. While tempting to describe the work as dark, it’s also healing, empowering, and uplifting as the information presented enriches one’s personal practice.

The Tameless Path, by Kamden Cornell

The Tameless Path: Unleashing the Power of Invasive Plants in Witchcraft, by Kamden Cornell
Crossed Crow Books, 1959883631, 306 pages, August 2024

In recent years, there’s been a shift in how plants are used in magical practices. There have always been ways to obtain ingredients for spells or other workings, but the events during the last few years have seen many people foraging for their own elements. Without overly generalizing, it seems as though anyone with access to an outdoor space has taken advantage of that and started to grow their own herbs and such. But how many people actually forage, as in go into the woods and search endlessly for plants that grow wild only in certain spots? And how do you make sure that what you are gathering is safe and not harmful to children or pets?

Enter The Tameless Path: Unleashing the Power of Invasive Plants in Witchcraft, by Kamden Cornell. If Rachel Pollacks’ 78 Degrees of Wisdom is looked upon as the definitive book on tarot, then Cornell’s book will certainly be a top contender with respect to plants. Cornell is no stranger to plants: they currently teach classes on witchcraft, occultism, herbalism, wortcunning, foraging, and invasive species wildcrafting in their region. They also work as an apothecarist and own a small, witchcraft-oriented business that focuses on herbal remedies, ritual goods, and education. To say they are qualified is an understatement.

“What we call “weeds” have been used as remedies and food for thousands of years in the regions they were native to before being transplanted to our own soils.”6

One of the first things I questioned when I picked up this book was relevance to me personally; after all, I don’t live anywhere near the author. Looking at the table of contents quickly relieved me of that fear as I saw many familiar plants that grow in my area listed. The chapters on alchemy, planetary magic, and various methods of plant preparation are well written and provide information that will lead the reader to a deeper understanding of the connection between plants and the universe.

There are two table of contents pages: one showcases chapters divided thoughtfully into a pattern that makes sense in terms of content, and the other is a full listing of spells and recipes by weed. Both are comprehensive and well laid out, but it’s the spells and recipes that drew me in. While some of the spells seem whimsical in terms of their ingredients, knowing what can be substituted for the more arcane and less available tasks is vital. Knowing a bit of herbology and spellcraft would be useful here but isn’t necessary as long as the internet exists!

Chapter 4 is my favorite as it deals specifically with choosing the method of preparation and provides clear instruction on how to do so. The preamble for the directions is very informative and provides a ton of guidance around the processes. There is also a disclaimer regarding using words such as medicine or medicinal, as Cornell is very clear to reiterate that “nothing in this book is intended to be a substitute for medical treatment.”7 The author is very clear about personal safety and recommends being in the care of an allopathic physician should one choose to utilize herbal protocols in any way. 

Cornell goes into great detail in each section of this chapter, explaining common terms that relate to each section such as tisane and strewing blends. Most people who pick up this book will probably have some knowledge around these terms, yet Cornell goes deep into each area and ensures there are no stones left unturned. I appreciate that immensely as there is no need for cross referencing: everything you need to know is contained in one book. How convenient!

Perhaps the most interesting part of the section is the alchemical one. Not being familiar with this specific method myself, I devoured the section and made notes. I was under the impression that processes like distillation were complicated and involved so many containers and apparatus, and I was right. Probably not something I could do in my tiny apartment, but a girl can dream. I love the idea of distilling my own supplies, but the reality is I cannot. Not the first time I’ve been disappointed but at least it’s not with the book.

The Tameless Path is perfect for those who are interested in the path of herbology and want to deepen the practice. Chock full of information that isn’t readily available elsewhere unless you dig deep, this book provides clear and concise information as well as a variety of accompanying methods and recipes for a well-rounded literary journey through the land of herbology. Practical and magical, I will be gifting copies of this book to a few of my green-thumbed friends, who might be persuaded to share the fruits of their labour with me.

The Eye of Odin, by Per Henrik Gullfoss

The Eye of Odin: Nordic Mythology and the Wisdom of the Vikings, by Per Henrik Gullfoss
Crossed Crow Books, 1959883259, 140 pages, May 2024

Mythology is often viewed as whimsical in the way the stories that are told reduce deities’ power to superstition. This book pulls back the veil of that notion of superstition to disclose ideas that mythology is directly related to many other facets of magic and not all amusing stories and fairy tales. In fact, if you are a practitioner of any kind there is a good chance that most of the ideas presented here will resonate deeply. 

Per Henrik Gullfoss’ book, The Eye of Odin: Nordic Mythology and the Wisdom of the Vikings, takes the reader on a journey and sets up the idea that Norse mythology is not as primitive as Christianity has portrayed. Christianity is a much younger religion by comparison, and delving into the root of the Norse beliefs reveals a startling amount of thought and competency that many cultures have been told didn’t exist within the barbarian tribes of old. By combining classic astrology with Norse mythology to get a deeper understanding of human consciousness itself, Gullfoss has crafted a remarkable book that appeals to a wide range of practitioners.

As one of the leading experts in the field of Norse myth and astrology in Norway, Gullfoss brings together both of these topics to show how these old stories led to the development of human consciousness and mystical thought. It’s a fascinating look at how the two are connected, and Gullfoss’ writing certainly illustrates in detail how similar the two concepts actually are.

Gullfoss writes, “… I have used astrology as a map that one can utilize to learn about and understand Norse myths.”8 He continues, “In the following chapters, I will show how Norse mythology can give a coherent and logical view of the world, which is just as marked by common sense and insight about cosmic laws as other belief systems.”9

This book is glorious and marvelous in the way that it seamlessly moves through what appears to be difficult concepts of creation, consciousness, awareness and ties these concepts together using Norse mythology. His language is that of a practiced storyteller, weaving together the stories of the old gods and marrying them with modern astrology. One of my favorite parts of this book, and examples of this are peppered throughout which is joyous for me, is the direct way he connects specific planets and other deities with Norse gods.  He says:

“Odin is the highest god of the heavens in Norse mythology, filling the same space as Uranus in Greek mythology. Consciousness and the element of Air are both the hallmarks of Uranus and Odin… Odin (Uranus) thus becomes the one who mediates the cosmic laws of creation and the universe to humans.”10

There is no question that Norse mythology is dominated by the values of men and relates to a warrior set that is almost exclusively male. Gullfoss deftly inserts the feminine aspect, stating that the power of femininity consists of an enormous force that is equal to the male counterpart. His writing is not dismissive of female power; rather, he uses feminine examples to show balance. One part focuses on the Norns, three mighty maidens not unlike the three sisters of fate in other stories, with this archetype continually referenced, along with others, throughout the book. It’s moments like these where the reader begins to realize just how interconnected these stories really are. It matters not what time period or culture, there is a resonance of similarity between them that can’t be dismissed.

There is so much in this book, it’s difficult to pull out specific parts to showcase. The mention of Tyr, a mighty warrior god representing a pure form of Mars, is a god that is barely talked about. I personally didn’t know he was a god, I thought Tyr was a rune and didn’t realize there was a whole backstory. Such realizations like this happened quite frequently as I read through this book, and I am so glad I took the time to digest the work. 

The Eye of Odin is a great book for anyone who loves astrology and Norse mythology and is interested in seeing how deep the connection is between the two. It presents some concepts that might feel a bit radical or out of place in today’s society; understand that this is not a rewrite of history but a comparison. While I personally did not find anything that particularly caused my hackles to rise, I can see how the overlay of masculinity could be seen as disregarding the feminine. My hope is that as the reader delves more deeply into the book and the subject as a whole, they come to the same realization as I did: no matter what, there is no male without female, especially in the world of mythology.

Glamour Witch, by Sophie Saint Thomas

Glamour Witch: Conjuring Style & Grace to Get What You Want, by Sophie Saint Thomas
Weiser Books, 978-1-57863-775-1, 210 pages,  January 2023

Self-expression through personal style and appearance has the power to make or break a situation. Think of the feeling behind a new haircut or an outfit that looks and feels amazing (and may have pockets!). When we allow ourselves to express who we are, things seem to flow easier and it’s almost as if being in alignment with our spirit opens doors. Weird how that happens.

Sophie Saint Thomas’s book Glamour Witch: Conjuring Style & Grace to Get What You Want, is an exploration into the world of glamour magic and how it can be used on a daily basis to help ease the stress of everyday life. Does that mean there will never again be a bad hair day? No such promises are made; however, it appears there could be fewer of them ahead if Saint Thomas has anything to say about it!

Based in New York City, Saint Thomas is a journalist and author originally from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She is published in a variety of magazines with a focus on sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll as well as the occult and other subcultures. Author of numerous books in the realm of spirituality with a lean towards self-help, she consistently weaves accessibility throughout her work no matter the topic. Her writing is approachable, and I enjoy reading her books as they impart useful information and provoke thoughts around my personal beliefs.

Separated into two distinct sections, “Glamour 101” and “Glamour Grimoire”, the book covers a lot of expected topics plus a few interesting additions. The opening section tells the story of beauty, which some might find off-putting if they picked up the book under different expectations. I am a firm believer in learning the rules before breaking them, so seeing this information contained in one comprehensive section was delightful. It’s also interesting that the author calls out practices that some of us are already doing and calling it glamour magic. She explains, “…you’ll realize that you’re likely already practicing glamour magick, such as taking a lavender-infused bath to unwind.”9

One thing I love about this book is the inclusivity. Nowhere does the author criticize any specific style, no matter how outrageous. Being seen in an industry that catered to a select few for so long is such a gift and Saint Thomas goes out of her way to include examples of beauty trailblazers of all shapes, sizes, and sexual orientations. About damn time, I think.

The purpose of this book, from what I can see through my own absorption of it, is to provide a foundation of understanding of beauty as it relates through time in order to help the reader decide how to move forward with their own definitions and personal style. I like that so much of the book is this foundational section, as there is so much to learn from previous eras.

Something I found incredibly interesting is the idea that a vanity is an altar. I’ve found that on days when I’m not feeling my best, a quick swipe of mascara and some lip gloss can make me feel better and help me face the world. Saint Thomas expands on this idea, saying:

“As we move through this book, I want you to start thinking of your body as an altar – a beautiful living altar to Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and abundance. Your shoes, the way you walk, your posture – it can all become a dance of intimidating beauty.”11

Tying color theory and astrology together is intriguing, and completely different from the color matching done in previous eras that was all the rage! This is a more deliberate look at color and how best to use it in a variety of ways depending on the desired outcome. Chapters on clothing, jewelry, perfume, and others give the reader a strong base from which to begin to build their living altar: themselves.

The spells in the grimoire section are easy to follow and produce results. One thing I will say here is that the spell ‘Sacred Pain with Piercing’ was effective and helped me make the appointment to get my septum pierced. I’d wanted it done forever and hadn’t because I thought it would hurt too much and that it could interfere with my corporate life;  also, what would people say? I took a deep breath, followed the steps, then made the appointment and got it done. I have never felt more myself: I look amazing and now am planning the next poke.

If you are looking for a quick fix to jumpstart your beauty routine, Glamour Witch might not give you what you want. If you are more interested in curating an experience for yourself each time you get ready to face the world, grab this book. There is a lot of information packed into it and although some topics might not resonate with you, there is enough here that undoubtedly will.

The Magdalene Frequency, by Adele Venneri

 The Magdalene Frequency: Become the Love You Are Not the Love You Seek, by Adele Venneri
Bear & Company, 1591435005, 192 pages, November 2023

The Magdalene Frequency: Become the Love You Are Not the Love You Seek by Adele Venneri was not at all what I was expecting, and in retrospect, I am so glad it wasn’t.

When I first received this book, I thought it was going to be another one of those self-help visualization books where you write affirmations to yourself and look yourself in the mirror to tell yourself how wonderful you are. However, The Magdalene Frequency is….something different. Deeper. More concentrated. It’s not about telling yourself you’re good enough. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself all the time. You become your best partner. Who wouldn’t fall in love with that?

Full disclosure: I know next to nothing about the lore surrounding Mary Magdalene and much less about the teachings that have been developed as a result of her influence. I thought she was simply a bit player in a religious book that I personally have shied away from for most of my life. Part of my reason for wanting to read this book was to find out what I was missing. I struggle with books that are heavy with religious overtones and undertones, and this book has plenty of those. But is it worth the discomfort? YES.

An expert in esoteric psychology and the expansion of consciousness, as well as a researcher and professional counselor, author Adele Venneri decodes the mythology and stories around Mary Magdalene and presents a whole new frame of reference. She offers the idea that Mary Magdalene (or Myriam as she is often referred to) is actually an ancient frequency of the soul that provides a blueprint for both accessing that frequency and working with it.

So what exactly is The Magdalene Frequency  about? In the introduction, Venneri explains:

 “In the pages of this book you will not find the story or the pseudo story of Mary Magdalene that during the centuries has been made up and altered, depending on the historical context or on the needs and interests of those who were writing. Mary Magdalene is a controversial figure, concealed and vilified by the occult power of the church with the goal of keeping hidden not only the secrets about who she really was, but also hiding the secrets of the history of humanity.”12

This is more of a spiritual journey that the reader takes with themselves in an effort to find their own specific resonance within the context of the universal framework surrounding the frequency. This isn’t something to be taken lightly; the work encompasses a great deal of personal introspection as well as practical reformatting around previously held beliefs.

Thirteen chapters delve into the mysteries surrounding Mary Magdalene. From the first chapter that details the author’s personal encounter and subsequent journey with the frequency to the final words that bring the book to a radiant closure, the information is presented in a way that encourages questions and rewards patience. There is an undercurrent of an invitation to go deeper if the reader chooses to, and that’s where the discomfort creeps in.

To be clear, this is not a book for someone who is casually interested in the esoteric vibrations of the universe and learning how to use those vibrations to better themselves. This is some really intense information that for some might not be easy to grasp. I found myself looking up terms and unfamiliar words only to find myself standing at the top of a rabbit hole so deep and dark that had I jumped in, I would still be going in circles in order to understand this book.

Would I recommend The Magdalene Frequency  to others? Yes, with the caveat that they have a pre-existing desire and thirst for the knowledge embedded in these pages. If you don’t know the topic and aren’t prepared to do the work needed to process the information contained in these pages, then I would respectfully invite you to pass.

The Torch of Brighid, by Erin Aurelia

The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, by Erin Aurelia
Moon Books, 178904281X, 144 pages, June 2023

As someone not too familiar with the tradition of flametending, my ideas around what I thought it was versus what it actually is was both surprising and enlightening. In The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, author Erin Aurelia takes us into the realm of the Goddess and shows us precisely what it means to be a flametender.

As an author, poet, spoken word performer, editor, and book coach, Aurelia has tended Brighid’s Perpetual Fire for 20 years and is the founder of the Daughters of Brighid flametending order. Author of numerous books on the subject, Aurelia also runs an editorial services and book coaching business where she offers her services to authors in a variety of self-help and spiritual areas that focus on women writers and voices in the heart-centered and spiritual coaching space.

If you’ve read any of my previous reviews, you will know that I love introductions as I feel they set the tone for the entire book and also impart the flavor of the author’s tone. In this book, Aurelia provides both a preface and an introduction and I couldn’t be happier.

The preface sets the tone for the book, clearly setting out the author’s goals and direction. It’s explained here that this book is not “reconstructing a past pagan practice, as there is no known pre-Christian flametending practice to Brighid which can be reconstructed”13.Aurelia is very clear that this book is not making any direct connection between any sort of mystical links that might have been suggested previously by other authors’ works, and instead chooses to focus on “presenting an inspired practice, like spiritual poetry.”14

At first blush, this whole book feels like a poetic love letter from the author to the Goddess Herself. It’s well written in a style that is approachable for those not familiar with this specific realm of spirituality yet doesn’t feel dumbed down for those who are seasoned. The concepts presented resonated deeply with me personally, and I was a bit surprised at the depth of my feelings as I read through it. This practice feels like coming home to oneself in the context of using deity as a conduit, which is of course what the purpose of this book is. It’s empowering and fulfilling and inspirational and I am so glad I picked it up.

The topics discussed in the book range from the history of the practice to an in depth transformational journey through the seasons. While it sounds like a lot of time needs to be invested, the book states that the reader can experience the sensation of flametending through a twenty-night period. Considering how often we subject ourselves to fad diets and other modes of “bettering” ourselves, I would respectfully offer that twenty nights of this practice could be far more beneficial than counting calories or fasting. But I digress: we each walk our own path.

The introduction gives the reader some background on how Aurelia first came to know Brighid. I find these origins fascinating as we have all walked our own paths to the various deities that we work with. Aurelia’s story resonates not because of the deity she observes but of the way she has integrated the lessons into her personal journey. She states:

“Her burning torch lit and guided my way, and where she led, I followed. I followed her from being one who burned myself out for others to one who learned to tend her flame from within. I followed her in my spiritual practices from celebration to devotion to contemplation to transformation.”15

This path described by Aurelia is precisely the one laid out in the book. I would humbly offer that burnout is often something experienced by those in caregiving or mothering roles, whether or not they have additional responsibilities outside the home or facility in which they provide care. Speaking personally, I often find myself in positions where I give too much of myself and then have nothing left for myself. This book is instrumental in discovering why that happens, and, more importantly, how to identify when it’s happening so that the energy can be shifted inward to where it’s needed most.

One of the most powerful concepts in this book is the idea that spiritual exploration and growth need not be done using external methods. While helpful at times, it’s also easy to become lost in a sea of voices and practices that might not be what’s needed. This is a personal practice and while you could share this journey with others at some point along the path, this feels very much like a task for one.

The practices in this book are presented in an easy to understand way with various supporting modalities, including runes. Aurelia says that the book is geared towards devotees of Brighid and those curious about the practice, stating:

“The depths can be dark, but her torch ever shines to illuminate a way for us toward our own illumination, healing, and growth. The practice in these pages is an invitation to follow this lit path through the forest of ogham trees in search of your true self, your unbreakable and remarkable soul hiding behind and beneath your fears.”16

If you are at all interested in any of the concepts presented here, pick The Torch of Brighid up. In fact, even if you aren’t interested, pick it up anyway and thumb through it. I guarantee something in these pages will leap out and whisper to you as it did to me.

Runes and Astrology, by Nigel Pennick

Runes and Astrology: Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition, by Nigel Pennick
Destiny Books, 978-1644116005, 223 pages, June 2023

I’m just going to say it: Runes and Astrology: Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition by Nigel Pennick is an absolute must have if there is even an inkling of curiosity about Northern Tradition runes and their kin. This book is an absolute treasure trove of insight, magic, and tradition and is worth every single penny. If a previous edition sits on your shelf, move it over and put this one beside it.

Nigel Pennick is an authority on ancient belief systems, traditions, runes, and geomancy and has traveled and lectured extensively in Europe and the United States. He is the founder of the Institute of Geomantic Research and the author and illustrator of more than 60 books, including Elemental Magic, Magic in the Landscape, and The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Amulets. His level of insight into this tradition is unparalleled, and that insight resonates throughout this latest book.

One thing I love about a good book is the introduction and the appendices. Runes and Astrology does not disappoint on either front. The introduction is well layered with history and practical application is evenly distributed throughout. I love it when authors set out their intentions for the rest of the book within the context of the introduction and that’s precisely what Pennick has done. Glorious.

The Table of Contents is neatly set out and covers the topics one would assume to find. There’s a chapter on basics which is extremely well written and very informative. Titled “The Basic Concepts”, this first chapter is anything but. Honestly, you could read this one chapter and you’d know more about runes and their history and use than most people. Starting with linking runes with the idea that everything exists simultaneously with everything else, Pennick states clearly that “nothing in existence exists separately – everything that is present in the universe is continuous with its surroundings and is the product of its own historical circumstances.”14

Pennick continues:

“Wherever we choose to look, there is nothing that exists now, or that has existed in the past, that is not the result of a multiplicity of events and processes, traceable back ultimately to the formation of the world eons agon. Because of this, it is only by studying history in the widest sense that we can begin to get some insights into the true meaning of anything.”15

By tracing the lineage of the runes and the system they are part of, Pennick explores the concept of using history as a way to understand how things became what they are currently. It’s a brilliant method of writing and gives rise to a whole new way of thinking about runes and their place within a divination system. Personally, I enjoy learning about the history of things, whether they are divination systems, magical paths, or ingredients. For me, knowing how we came to use such things is as useful as knowing how to apply them practically in today’s world.

There’s an excellent chapter about runes and their meanings, but for me the chapter to really get into is the chapter titled “The Runes, the Planets, and Their Cycles.” Connecting the runes to various planets in the context of their deeper meanings is fascinating. Pennick takes time to clearly explain the links made between the runes and the various planets and satellites generally accepted as rulers of both hours and days of the current way of timekeeping.

Pennick’s style of writing is both informative and descriptive and lends itself well to the topics covered in this book. I found it both a delight to read because of the easy style of writing and also very interesting as there is so much information present in each chapter.

Do yourself a favor and pick Runes and Astrology up. Even if you only have a passing interest in astrology or runes, this book contains so much information through both the individual chapters and the appendices that follow, you will be glad you have it on your shelf as a reference.

Heal the Witch Wound, by Celeste Larsen

Heal The Witch Wound: Reclaim Your Magic and Step Into Your Power, by Celeste Larsen
Weiser Books, 1578637988, 208 pages, April 2023

Personal safety is something that is of great concern in today’s society. From hate groups attacking those trying to live their lives to the “everyday” violence that is commonplace, we all just want to be safe to be who we are. While this book, Heal The Witch Wound: Reclaim Your Magic and Step Into Your Power, focuses on feeling safe with respect to magical practices, Celeste Larsen has also managed to weave in a broader spectrum of what personal safety means individually as well as on a greater scale.

The introduction begins with a simple explanation of the “witch wound”, and Larsen describes it as “a collective, intergenerational, psychic wound that is rooted in the Burning Times – an era of widespread persecution and violence against suspected witches.”16

Anyone with this wound will usually hide their spiritual beliefs and practices out of fear of being judged or shamed or rejected. Without taking away from the basis of this book, I find many parallels between this and the situation of other groups in current society. To be clear, this is a personal observation that I am making and not meant to take away from this book in any way.

Larsen has drawn on her experience as a pagan witch, writer, and ritualist to produce a work that is more of a how-to rather than a reference book. To me, this is excellent news as I need a guide and not just theory in this realm. The book is comprised of three parts that each deal with a specific aspect of the healing journey. The first section deals with the root of the wound and goes into detail around the creation of it as well as its legacy. Larsen’s writing is simple, straightforward and honest, and manages to put the reader at ease while imparting some tough information around the wound and its causes.

The second part of this spectacular book focuses on the symptoms of the witch wound, something I hadn’t even considered. In fact, as I read this section, I was struck by the number of things mentioned that I completely identified with. It didn’t even occur to me that it might be a result of the witch wound I carry.

I had a very visceral reaction to one part specifically where Larsen writes:

“Of all the ways the witch wound can show up, fear of being authentically heard and seen is undoubtedly the most pervasive. How often do you stifle your own voice out of fear of being too outspoken, too opinionated, too sensitive, too demanding, too honest, too much?”17

This specific part hit me really hard. I’ve been told my whole life to be quiet, sit down, keep my hands to myself, don’t talk so loud, “why are you laughing so loudly?”, and all that. I have never felt comfortable around people simply because I’m afraid that I will be too much of something and then I’ll be made to feel less-than as a result.

Reading this book made me realize that this wound I carry that presents in this way is something of a gift. Stay with me here. Knowing that I am holding back my awesomeness for the sake of other people’s comfort means that I am much more awesome than I think I am. And I think I’m pretty awesome.

Seriously though, reading about how this wound affects daily life if nothing is done to heal it opened my eyes to how important self-care is. Part three of the book delves deeply into this with a whole host of various ways to heal certain aspects of the wound. My personal favorite deals with moving into personal magic and power.

Here, Larsen talks about the ways in which practitioners can talk about individual magic and specific practices in a way that honors them while also maintaining a certain level of privacy. There is an acknowledgement that no two practitioners will refer to themselves in the same way, nor does their individual practices align. In this way, Larsen states that personal comfort comes before any sort of declaration that might be made concerning someone’s personal craft.

Larsen writes honestly with an authentic voice and the situations presented in the book by way of confirming the various suggestions presented feel like they have been actually lived by the author. I felt many echoes as I read and aligned with many of the situations that Larsen describes throughout the book by way of sharing her personal story. 

Heal the Witch Wound is an excellent book for those who feel they cannot ‘come out’ as a practitioner of magic and who feel they need to stifle themselves in order to fit it. You don’t have to dim your own light in order for other people to shine, and you don’t have to stay small for other people’s comfort. This isn’t to say that there shouldn’t be consideration for others: depending on what your situation is you might feel it’s in your best interest to be silent about what you do. This book is meant to reframe the way in which we look at how we express ourselves in the world we live in and helps us see where we can make positive changes to bring us into more alignment.

Pagan Portals: Demeter, by Robin Corak

Pagan Portals – Demeter, by Robin Corak
Moon Books, 1789047838, 128 pages, October 2022

At first glance, Pagan Portals – Demeter by Robin Corak seems like a straightforward book. The story of Demeter and her daughter, Persephone, is one that has been used to illustrate many variations of the mother-daughter dynamic in a variety of different contexts. Corak is taking that story and exploring various other themes that aren’t apparent at first glance.

A long-time practitioner of paganism, Corak is a member of the Sisterhood of Avalon where she currently serves as the Board Secretary and is the author of Pagan Portals – Persephone: Practicing the Art of Personal Power. Honestly, there’s no one more perfectly positioned to write the book on Demeter than Corak and her prose is both insightful and informative.

The book is sectioned off into specific areas that deal with Demeter’s background, specific rites and rituals, and other topics I didn’t expect to find. At the risk of outing myself as not being all-knowing about the goddesses and gods of the Greek pantheon, I had to look up two aspects of Demeter that I was not aware of that were referenced in this book: Demeter Chthonia: Grief and Loss and Demeter Chloe: Manifestation Magick. Blown away, completely and totally. Don’t get me wrong, I knew that Demeter was associated with grief (her daughter being taken away from her) and abundance (Goddess of the Harvest), I just didn’t know there were actual aspects devoted to these attributes. 

There’s so much information in this book and all of it is both relevant and timely. The astonishing realization that Demeter was still subject to patriarchy despite being a goddess was something I hadn’t considered. It was my understanding that Demeter’s power would ensure her personal agency. When Demeter is told by Helios that Hades abducted her daughter, Demeter’s opinions are not even considered as she is told that Hades would make a fine husband for her daughter. Because Demeter is dismissed, she then decides that nothing on Earth will grow until her daughter is returned to her. Her actions eventually see the return of Persephone to her, and it’s interesting to note that Demeter is the only goddess to make Zeus give in to her demands, and in a short amount of time. Underestimate an abundance Goddess at your peril!

A surprising aspect of this book is the focus on balance, something that most who identify as feminine struggle with due to the numerous stresses experienced through jobs, home, relationships, and other factors. Corak addresses this in the introduction, saying:

“Working with Demeter can facilitate a powerful journey of self-discovery resulting in a re-envisioning and reclaiming of our potential and our own lives. For those of us who may not have had a positive relationship with our own mothers, Demeter empowers us to access our own nurturing abilities so that we may provide ourselves with the quantity and quality of love that we feel we didn’t receive.”18

It took me a few days to process that, I will be honest. I do not have a good relationship with my mother and as she ages, I have had to come to terms with the very real fact that there will never be apologies or clarity around why certain events were allowed to happen. I found this book to be immensely helpful in navigating my personal grief around this, although I would be lying if I said I was able to completely resolve the anger. I took solace in a powerful sentence from Corak:

“The mother archetype is not just about loving and nurturing, it is also about protection and advocacy to ensure that that which has been given life will survive and thrive.”19

I sat with that for a moment, and realized that’s what I had been doing for myself by not engaging as deeply as I wanted to with my mother. I intuitively knew that this was something I could do to protect myself from additional harm, and this book opened my eyes to all that I have been doing for myself in this realm. 

There is so much healing in this book depending on what is required. For me, I chose to go through “Chapter 3 – Healing the Mother Wound”. Corak includes a definition of mother wound as “the loss or lack of mothering which can include abuse and neglect. Those who experience the mother wound don’t receive the love and attention they need as children and have mothers who seem to be distant and less attuned to their emotional needs.”20

This section in particular really hit me hard, as I thought I had dealt with my issues around this through extensive therapy. Clearly that was not the case, as I often found myself curled up in a ball with my cat gingerly offering me head butts and consoling licks. That is not an exaggeration, by the way. This book is excellent and devastating in a way I didn’t expect but am so glad I experienced. 

If any of this resonates with you, I would highly recommend picking up Pagan Portals – Demeter. If you have a therapist, I would also highly recommend enlisting their help for this journey because working with Demeter calls up all sorts of childhood trauma that needs to be brought out so that it can be healed.

One of the best parts of this whole process was learning that I could mother myself and did not need to rely on my emotionally unavailable mother to provide that. While seemingly heartbreaking, releasing yourself from unrealistic expectations of those who cannot possibly meet you where you need them to is freeing in a way that could potentially allow you to move on. Who wouldn’t want that?