Cackle by Rachel Harrison is a marvelous mix of modernity and magic, inspiring us to believe the two can co-exist.

Cackle by Rachel Harrison is a marvelous mix of modernity and magic, inspiring us to believe the two can co-exist.
Mediumship by Kerrie Erwin is a very user-friendly read that demystifies what mediumship is and the healing that can occur from those gifts being used with integrity and loving intention.
Charlie N. Holmberg has done a wonderful job crafting a unique plot that captures the reader’s attention and opens the imagination in Spellbreaker.
Alix E. Harrow has a knack for capturing the heart in her tales of romance, magic, and self-discovery, which she does perfectly in A Spindle Splintered.
In Pagan Portals: Blodeuwedd, Jhenah Telyndru takes us on a deep dive into who the Welsh goddess is, where she came from, and what she symbolizes.
Once and Future Witches. by Alix E. Harrow one of the best witch-fiction books I’ve ever read.
A Healer’s Journey to Intuitive Knowing: The Heart of Therapeutic Touch chronicled experiences by Krieger during her 50+ years as a nurse, instructor, and champion of hands on healing.
There are boundless possibilities of integrating the Chandra Symbols and star sparks from 360 of Your Star Destiny by Ellias Lonsdale.
In Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth, Elhoim Leafar truly delivers on his description of this book as “a practical guide to prosperity magic.
Through the Eyes of the Soul: 52 Prophecy Cards & Guidebook by Cheryl Yambrach Rose checks off all of the boxes of what an oracle deck should accomplish