Pagan Portals – Hellenic Paganism by Samantha Leaver is not the typical book that lists the various Olympian deities and provides a basic framework for how and when to worship them.
Pagan Portals – Hellenic Paganism by Samantha Leaver is not the typical book that lists the various Olympian deities and provides a basic framework for how and when to worship them.
Thank you so much for doing this interview for Musing Mystical. After reading Alchemical Tantric Astrology, I feel like I understand myself in a whole new way.
As far as books about witches go, The Vine Witch is definitely one of my top five favorites. Smith has done a wonderful job of bringing to life the magic in the mundane.
Take a breath, pause, and gift yourself the time to delve into Seasons of a Magical Life: A Pagan Path of Living by H. Byron Ballard.
I thoroughly enjoyed everything about Hekate: Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber and am delighted to add it to my growing library on Hekate.
Cue The King in Orange by John Michael Greer, here to help magically-minded folks make sense of the political mess in terms they understand.
The Witch’s Heart is the tale of Angrboda, a powerful witch in Norse mythology, who despite being burned three times by the gods of Asgard, continued to live on.
Riveting and yet delightfully easy to devour, Michael William West’s book Sex Magicians is a spirited collection of biographies of history’s most renowned sex magicians.
Reading Bob Klein’s Heal Yourself and the World with Tai-chi: How to make your life powerful and become a healer was truly an epic voyage.
Practically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Health & Well-being by Irisanya Moon is a wonderful read to reconnect body, mind, and spirit.