✨ A Gathering Place for Magical Readers and Writers ✨

Search Results for: spirit

Review Guidelines

Musing Mystic is dedicated to exploring alternative spiritualities, practical magic, spiritual alignment with the cosmos and nature, and social actions to co-create new paradigms that foster equality, justice, and sustainability. We cover topics on wellness, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, artwork, travel, …

Mystic Manifesto

Musing Mystic aims to foster healthy interdependence through promoting self-directed independence. We believe humanity thrives when people liberate themselves from the shackles of convention to discover the freedom of living in personal alignment. This path of following one’s soul, filled with …

Article Guidelines

Musing Mystic’s content is based upon writer’s experience of spirituality and states of being that heighten one’s sense of connection to something greater. We seek articles from writers that highlight their own spiritual journey or teach about something that has …