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Search Results for: ego

The Chiron Effect, by Lisa Tahir

The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness by Lisa Tahir, LCSW is a wonderful place to begin your journey in discovering your wounding and shifting it into a healed strength.

Queering Your Craft, by Cassandra Snow

From now on, whenever someone asks to me to recommend a book about getting started in witchcraft, Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins is the book I am going to recommend, whether or not that person is queer.

11.11 Oracle, by Alana Fairchild

In 11.11 Oracle: Answers to Uplift and Shift, Fairchild shares a lengthy explanation about the power of 11.11 and her belief that “every instance of 11.11 is the Universe reassuring us.”

Advanced Tarot, by Paul Fenton-Smith

The next time someone asks me for a book recommendation about reading tarot, I am hands-down suggesting Advanced Tarot: An In-depth Guide to Practical & Intuitive Tarot Reading by Paul Fenton-Smith.

Witch Hunt, by Kristen J. Sollee

Yet I have to say the thing that excited me most about Witch Hunt: A Traveler’s Guide to the Power and Persecution of the Witch is that not only was it a book about witches and history, but it was also about travel.

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Musing Mystic is dedicated to exploring alternative spiritualities, practical magic, spiritual alignment with the cosmos and nature, and social actions to co-create new paradigms that foster equality, justice, and sustainability. We cover topics on wellness, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, artwork, travel, …