In Naughty Oracle, Naomi Beth truly offers readers a combination of the wisdom of her decades-long spiritual journey and a dose of reality.

In Naughty Oracle, Naomi Beth truly offers readers a combination of the wisdom of her decades-long spiritual journey and a dose of reality.
In her reverence for the Tree of Life, Janis Fry is like a druidess, initiating readers into her yew-centric worldview with artwork and writing that captures the hallucinogenic quality of her god tree.
Cheyenne Zárate, the enigmatic artist who created Wild Woman Oracle: Awaken Your True, Free and Soulful Self, knows exactly how you’re feeling when you say you want to reconnect with the wildness inside you.
I urge you to start your own research into this intriguing deity and see where the Goddess Abnoba visits your life.
Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle by Francesca Matteoni will catalyze within its user a call to the stream of animal spirit that resides within all sentient life on our planet.
The Magic of the Sword of Moses by Harold Roth will be a treasure to anyone who has an interest in Jewish magic and medieval grimoires.
The Medicine Woman Oracle: Discover the Archetypes of the Divine Feminine by Catherine Maillard is an incredibly unique deck.
Ancestral Grimoire by Nancy Hendrickson is filled with practices to discover your own personal magic while strengthening the connection with your ancestors.
Jessica Howard has provided a blueprint for inviting the element water into personal practice in Pagan Portals – The Water Witch.
Halo Quin is a devotee of Freya and the Faery Queen, so it’s easy to see where the impetus for Crimson Craft: Sexual magic for the Solo Witch comes from!