Conform or Be Cat Out: The (Literal) Demonization of Nonconformists by Logan Albright was the dose of reality that I didn’t even realize I needed.
Conform or Be Cat Out: The (Literal) Demonization of Nonconformists by Logan Albright was the dose of reality that I didn’t even realize I needed.
Alix E. Harrow has a knack for capturing the heart in her tales of romance, magic, and self-discovery, which she does perfectly in A Spindle Splintered.
In Pagan Portals: Blodeuwedd, Jhenah Telyndru takes us on a deep dive into who the Welsh goddess is, where she came from, and what she symbolizes.
The Tree Horoscope: Discover Your Birth-Tree and Personality Destiny by Daniela Christine Huber explores the 22 different trees that shape your personality.
There are boundless possibilities of integrating the Chandra Symbols and star sparks from 360 of Your Star Destiny by Ellias Lonsdale.
Through the Eyes of the Soul: 52 Prophecy Cards & Guidebook by Cheryl Yambrach Rose checks off all of the boxes of what an oracle deck should accomplish
Psychedelic Consciousness by Daniel Grauer is a wonderful resource for the tidal wave of people who are new to psychedelics and contemplating consciousness.
Pagan Portals – Hellenic Paganism by Samantha Leaver is not the typical book that lists the various Olympian deities and provides a basic framework for how and when to worship them.
Thank you so much for doing this interview for Musing Mystical. After reading Alchemical Tantric Astrology, I feel like I understand myself in a whole new way.
In The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine, David Elkington has put forward a truly fascinating work about the role that sound plays in our spiritual experiences.