Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenman goes beyond the positive, affirming messages of other angel oracle decks, connecting the reader with the genuine essence of each angel.

Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenman goes beyond the positive, affirming messages of other angel oracle decks, connecting the reader with the genuine essence of each angel.
Sacred Symbol Magic by Sarah Bartlett brings to light and life the power of symbols and their application to a sustainable and growth-filled magical and spiritual practice.
Overall, this translation of the Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Eric Purdue is by far the best one I’ve ever read.
Priestess Moon, author and artist, is renowned for bringing universal symbols into a modern context, and this is certainly the case with her deck Making Magick Oracle: 36 Power symbols for manifesting your dreams.
Visionary Path Tarot, by Lucy Delics Lucy Delics (aka Emma Lucy Shaw) has created a stunning black and white deck that captures tarot archetypes woven with spiritual symbols, plant medicines, and Peruvian images in Visionary Path Tarot….→ Read More PJ …
Sacred Hags Oracle: Visionary Guidance for Dreamers, Witches, and Wild Hearts by Danielle Dulsky and illustrator Janine Houseman puts a new spin on oracle decks.
While Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry does facilitate this sacred connection to the power of the angels, the deck is unique because it also offers sigils, seals, and ancient grimoire knowledge to invite the angels into your life.
Magdalene Myserties: The Left-hand Path of the Feminine Christ by Seren Bertrand and Azra Bertrand is a deep dive into Mary Magdalene, viewing her from Biblical, historical, and mystical perspectives.
Cue Egyptian Magick: A Spirited Guide by Mogg Morgan, which is just the book for those who truly wish to expand their practice into a working system.