The Hermetic Tree of Life by William R. Mistele is an immersive guide for those who are seeking divine embodiment by internalizing the Tree.

The Hermetic Tree of Life by William R. Mistele is an immersive guide for those who are seeking divine embodiment by internalizing the Tree.
Crystal Grids by Nicola McIntosh is a wonderful resource for those feeling called to working with crystals in a meaningful way.
In Cats: Keepers of the Spirit World, author John A. Rush, Ph.D., N.D., explores humanity’s complex relationship with cats as both pets and spirit animals.
In Meeting the Melissae, Elizabeth Ashley has done a beautiful job of unveiling the long-forgotten priestesses of the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Melissae.
In Entering Hekate’s Cave, Dr. Cyndi Brannen guides readers through the tunnels of the Underworld to find the goddess within.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches by Frater Barrabbas is not for the faint of heart or those who think of witchcraft as a passing phase.
In The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, author Erin Aurelia takes us into the realm of the Goddess.
In Theurgy, Theory & Practice, author P.D. Newman supplies a solid scholarly background on the development of theurgical practices.
Douglas Charles Hodgson highlights experiences from people who have had NDEs in Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil.
Bones and Honey: A Heathen Prayer Book by Danielle Dulsky gives voice to prayers we didn’t even know we needed.