Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle by Francesca Matteoni will catalyze within its user a call to the stream of animal spirit that resides within all sentient life on our planet.

Untamed Spirit Animal Oracle by Francesca Matteoni will catalyze within its user a call to the stream of animal spirit that resides within all sentient life on our planet.
Pagan Portals – Dream Analysis Made Easy: Everything You Need to Know to Harness the Power of Your Dreams by Kystrina Sypniewski is a great book for beginners.
Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle by Stacey Demarco opens whole world of exploration, if you have the courage to go beyond the realm of comfort.
Pagan Portals – The Art of Lithomancy by Jessica Howard has completely sparked my interest in developing my own lithomancy practice.
The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen got me out of a creative rut in the most fun way.
The Body Tarot by Emma McArthur is a very special synthesis of science and intuition, revealing the hidden secrets of body and mind.
Exploring the Divine Library by Richard Rowe is a continuation of the journey outlined in his first book, Imagining the Unimaginable: A System’s Engineer’s Journey into the Afterlife.
Answering the Call of the Elementals: Practices for Connecting with Nature Spirits by Thomas Mayer is a timely book that incorporates the melding of environmental consciousness and the intuitive nature within humankind.
Pure Magic Oracle: Cards for Strength, Courage, and Clarity by Andres Engracia is a wonderful deck filled with spells and messages of empowerment.
Beyond the Mirror: Seechers by M.K. Williams and Natalie Kavanagh is a promising first book of a series I look forward to seeing develop, as in, I’m already waiting for the next book to come out.