Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places by Claire Kann is a refreshing take on the romantic comedy genre, infused with a touch of the supernatural.

Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places by Claire Kann is a refreshing take on the romantic comedy genre, infused with a touch of the supernatural.
In Witchcraft, Grimassi explores the myths and universal deity archetypes at the core of the Mysteries.
Albert Björn’s Icelandic Folk Magic is a deep dive into the magic that has its basis in the folklore the enigmatic place called Iceland.
Nicolette Miele’s Runes for the Green Witch, the twenty-four Elder Futhark runes become energetic keys that unlock the secrets of herbal medicine and magic.
The Hermetic Tree of Life by William R. Mistele is an immersive guide for those who are seeking divine embodiment by internalizing the Tree.
Living Wands of the Druids by Jon G. Hughes has completely shifted my perspective into the purpose of a wand.
I was drawn to God & Goddesses of England by Rachel Patterson because as the wife of an Englishman, I’ve traveled there quite a bit.
Undreaming Wetiko by Paul Levy is an essential text for those who are deep-diving into shadow work and healing ancestral trauma.
Tales & Legends of the Devil by Claude and Corrinne Lecouteux is a collection of fifty-two medieval folktales from twenty European countries
The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse by Italian folk magic practitioner Antonio Pagliarulo is a manual on psychic protection that teaches you how to detect, banish, and prevent the malison of the Evil Eye.