The Magic of the Sword of Moses by Harold Roth will be a treasure to anyone who has an interest in Jewish magic and medieval grimoires.

The Magic of the Sword of Moses by Harold Roth will be a treasure to anyone who has an interest in Jewish magic and medieval grimoires.
Witches, Druids, and Sin Eaters by Jon C. Hughes with Sophie Gallagher is a very comprehensive look at this unique area of Welsh Marches.
Gemstone and Crystal Magic is a wonderful go-to reference book for those who are looking to incorporate gemstones into their magical practice.
Pearson thoroughly educates the reader to give a full-spectrum education into flower essences in Flower Essences from the Witch’s Garden.
If you’ve ever felt the pull of New Orleans, Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints is perfect for learning more about the spiritual roots of the unique city.
In Mysteries of the Werewolf: Shapeshifting Magic & Protection, Claude Lecouteux delves into folklore, legends, and historical accounts from all over the world, showcasing how the tale of the werewolf evolved through time.
In Blackthorn’s Protection Magic, Amy Blackthorn gives her readers the low-down we all need to stay safe, strengthened, and shielded from harm.
Hoodoo Justice Magic by Miss Aida has a spell for just about every defensive, protective, and vengeful aim one might want to pursue.
All in all, The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling is a fun to read romantic comedy filled with witchcraft, magic, curses, and love.
Cackle by Rachel Harrison is a marvelous mix of modernity and magic, inspiring us to believe the two can co-exist.