For those looking for a new nighttime routine, Sleep & Sorcery by Laurel Hostak-Jones is the perfect bedside companion.

For those looking for a new nighttime routine, Sleep & Sorcery by Laurel Hostak-Jones is the perfect bedside companion.
Celtic Goddess Grimoire by Annwyn Avalon is an awesome resource for learning more about the Celtic divine feminine.
In Cats: Keepers of the Spirit World, author John A. Rush, Ph.D., N.D., explores humanity’s complex relationship with cats as both pets and spirit animals.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches by Frater Barrabbas is not for the faint of heart or those who think of witchcraft as a passing phase.
Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen by Mara Banscombe has managed to bring a balance of self-reflection and application to the mysteries of the Sacred Feminine.
For those of you ready to delve into the secrets of sorcery and explore the fascinating world of magic, Real Sorcery is a wonderful place to begin.
Tales & Legends of the Devil by Claude and Corrinne Lecouteux is a collection of fifty-two medieval folktales from twenty European countries
Pagan Portals – Ancient Fayerie: Stories of the Celtic Sidhe and how to Connect to the Otherworldly Realms by Melanie Godfrey is a brilliant and enchanting book.
In Pagan Portals – Folktales, Faeries, and Spirits, Halo Quin takes us on a journey into the world of the fae.
In Unusual Animal Messages Oracle Deck, Manda Comisari gives voice to unique animals, attuning us to the lessons they have to share.