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Search Results for: recipes

Of Blood and Bones, by Kate Freuler

Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick & the Dark Moon by Kate Freuler is a highly recommended title for any who want to deepen their practice of witchcraft and magick in a more balanced and polarized way.

Year of the Witch, by Temperance Alden

The author’s thesis is that a witch can customize their experience of “the witch’s year” to be an authentic communion with the Earth and not limited to a conceptual celebration of holidays reflecting seasons that do not align with lived experience in one’s locale.

Magical Self-Care for Everyday Life, by Leah Vanderveldt

Magical Self-Care for Everyday Life by Leah Vanderveldt is an amazingly comprehensive book that introduces readers to the myriad of ways that self-care can be practiced in our daily life. Leah has a wealth of experience in this topic as a wellness and nutrition expert.

Badass Ancestors, by Patti Wigington

Within minutes of picking up Badass Ancestors: Finding Your Power with Ancestral Guides by Patti Wigington, I felt compelled to reactivate my ancestry.com account. As someone interested in working with ancestors, I found this book to be helpful in clearing away the noise and getting down to it

Enchanted Herbal, by Gail Bussi

I have been delightfully surprised by all the inspiration offered by Gail Bussi in Enchanted Herbal: Connect to Nature & Celebrate the Seasons. This book is handy, practical, and filled with wisdom for all the seasons.

Entering Hekate’s Garden, by Cyndi Brannen

Entering Hekate’s Garden: The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen is a book about plant spirit witchcraft, a craft which incorporates magick, medicine, and the mystery of botanicals through the use of both their physical properties and their spiritual essence.

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Musing Mystic is dedicated to exploring alternative spiritualities, practical magic, spiritual alignment with the cosmos and nature, and social actions to co-create new paradigms that foster equality, justice, and sustainability. We cover topics on wellness, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, artwork, travel, …